Kafka consumer lag fix. messages_in (gauge) Rate of consumer message consumption. 1$ bin/kafka-run-class. 8. Teams can monitor Kafka consumer lag with the consumer group script, Burrow (a Kafka monitoring companion), or generic monitoring tools and Jan 7, 2021 · Consumer lag indicates the difference in the rate of production and consumption of messages. Tools and techniques. Jun 12, 2018 · How to fix? This happened after an application stop because of broker failures, but even if the "events" topic had replication=2 (and thus some partitions became leader=-1 in the process), __consumer_offsets had replication=3 and one broker(out of 3) was always available during the process, so they should not be lost, right? Oct 13, 2021 · We are having a Kafka consumer, which all of a sudden (without any activity) went into a rebalancing state and got stuck. statisticsintervalms:36000. Nov 12, 2017 · 2. Object implements Consumer <K,V>. There are tools (e. 2. We intend to switch to replication factor 3 as the producers are three servers. consumer config. sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --group your-group-name. You may increase number of partitions & have number of consumers equal to number partitions. In other words, it is the delay between the time a message is produced and the time a consumer consumes it. A client that consumes records from a Kafka cluster. e. Kafka’s storage architecture handles data as an ordered log-based structure. size, delay, consumer_threads parameters and it almost makes no difference. We updated our Kafka offset reset policy to earliest in several applications. Upon deleting all the topics, it recovered after almost 4-5 hours. 7tb/hour in 60 partitions from other kafka cluster. poll. The consumer receives back a chunk of log beginning from the offset position. Currently Tested on: Python 3. accept(consumer); Note that one consumer group could be consuming multiple topics simultaneously, so if you need to get the lag for each topic, you'll have to group and aggregate the result by topic then. Attempts to consume the messages using the I'm trying to get the consumer lag using the . 1. Achieving ideal values for both throughput and latency is a holy grail and requires optimization of Kafka configuration parameters. lang. KIP-32 introduced a timestamp field to the Kafka message format. In this case, We can't get the next offset after the transaction marker using consumer. Then, in the very first run when cg2 is not created also, it will consider the Nov 10, 2018 · We have 7 brokers and 40 consumers in the Kafka setup. Kafka Consumers work in groups by design - the delay you see is the group co-ordinator (which resides on the cluster, not the client side) waiting for any existing/previous session (s) to timeout and to allow any additional consumers in the same group to start before allocating partitions to all the consumers with an active connection. It pretty much runs on default settings. Sounds like the consumer thread is dying, and you'd need to provide logs/metrics for us to really tell you why and how to fix. where: Latest offset in topic is the offset of the latest message in the topic. 1. I just want a single number output given the consumer group, a topic, and partition number. Consumer lag. Aug 1, 2019 · 2. 143 1 8. Here make sense to understand the concept of consumer offset. ) We also publishes couple of white papers containing recommendations/help to provision a Kafka cluster. Dec 10, 2020 · Apache Kafka at AppsFlyer. It may not show up in the list. This article explores Kafka consumer lag in detail, including causes, monitoring, and strategies to address it. kafka-manager) that can compute lag by consuming messages from this topic and calculating lag. Lag increase is expected as brokers going up and down can have In order to "fast forward" the offset of consumer group, means to clear the LAG, you need to create new consumer that will join the same group. May 25, 2023 · We’re going to experience consumer lag because more messages are be published to P1 than can be consumed. Apr 26, 2022 · Kafka streaming lets you analyze data stored in your Kafka cluster to monitor the distribution of data streams. Monitoring Kafka consumer lag. Drop the consumer group altogether and manage both partition assignments and offsets manually. Aug 3, 2021 · spring-kafka. I'll give little background aboout problem: Please find the data flow into system as shown below: data ingestion ==> kafka ABC (topic of 3 parition) ==> flume source (interceptor ) ==> Kafka DEF (topic of 6 partition Both partition lag and consumer lag are essential metrics for monitoring the health and performance of Kafka consumer groups. This client transparently handles the failure of Kafka brokers, and transparently adapts as topic partitions it fetches migrate within the cluster. However, when I look at the logs, I get the below exception : WARN 2021-01-18 21:45:11,438 [**] org. The Kafka consumer works by issuing “fetch” requests to the brokers leading the partitions it wants to consume. (You can go up to 48) If the workers are idle when you see lag, reduce the poll interval can help. It provides a metrics like kafka_consumergroup_group_lag with labels: cluster_name, group, topic, partition, member_host, consumer_id, client_id . sh and kafka-consumer-perf-test. and it has 4 pending messages so this is what i get. The timestamp could be provided by the user, the KafkaProducer, or the Broker, depending on how the Broker configuration message 我们先来了解下第一种方法:使用 Kafka 自带的命令行工具 bin/kafka-consumer-groups. The best way to fix Kafka slow consumer issues depends, of course, on what the root cause of the issue is. The cluster that we are consuming from has a data retention/deletion rate for storage issues so Nov 26, 2021 · Here is how I solved kafka streaming consumer lag in a Big data even driven infrastructure. public class KafkaConsumer<K,V> extends java. But I have never seen scala code before, and I am just beginning to learn about kafka. val props = new Properties() props. We help app marketers make better decisions on their running campaigns using a variety of tools found in our platform. You should use monitoring tools to determine the reason why your consumers are slowing down. At this point, you can other discard the message if You can monitor Kafka consumer lag with Confluent Cloud using the Metrics API or the Cloud Console. This caused the CPU of the k8 pod to shoot and GC time was also nearly 70-80%. This will return the information in the following format: GROUP TOPIC PARTITION CURRENT-OFFSET LOG-END-OFFSET LAG CONSUMER-ID HOST CLIENT-ID returns negative value for the "lag " column. ConsumerGroupComman Mar 25, 2021 · I am trying to connect my application to Kafka and I am able to do that successfully. Feb 27, 2023 · There is lag between incoming logs and consuming logs that is increasing, and offset reading speed is not enough. Even with @ileaving solution (depending on how long it takes the additional call to get the topic's offset) can cause issues or the opposite situation, that you're reporting a lag that is not there (because in the meantime the consumer has already committed a new Jun 1, 2023 · See: Permissions required for Consumer Lag details on Confluent Cloud UI. How can we work around the problem? ~/kafka_2. 4. servers", servers) props. Jan 24, 2019 · I am running Kafka 2. With this solution we can split the lag by topic, partition and consumergroup. Is this a known issue that has been seen before? I find that the negative value prevents the consumer consuming the latest events in these partitions. Apr 18, 2018 · Consumers are far behind the producers, so messages are lost, but I expected to see the lag from "kafka_server_fetcherlagmetrics_consumerlag". Nov 30, 2023 · An example is when an application unnecessarily creates 100 consumers for a topic when only 50 are needed to prevent consumer lag. So far we have have managed to consume roughly 2tb's of data/hour and not able to catch up with the goal (2. You can view the topics to where a producer streams data. Kafka 1. sh kafka. I am running a java kafka stream application with JMX enabled. asked Aug 2, 2021 at 14:52. listener. For example, if my output from the above command is Apr 6, 2022 · Tracking Consumer Lag — CLI. It seems that new messages can be posted to the topic and will be picked up by members of the consumer group, yet the lag will remain. Sep 19, 2023 · I know that bin/kafka-consumer-groups. Since Kafka 2. We do have 10 unique app consumers, this set of consumers is deployed in 1 server only due May 25, 2021 · Understanding Consumer Lag in Apache Kafka. Overview. When you create a Kafka event source mapping, Lambda allocates consumers to process all partitions in the Kafka topic. - curl it every minute in a file. If consumer lag is a problem, there are definite actions you In Kafka's case, minimizing the lag between the Kafka producer and consumer requires careful tuning of deployment configurations. sh --bootstrap-server <broker> --describe --group <group-name>. Jan 8, 2024 · 1. Yes. You can monitor lag using Kafka's built-in tools or through third-party monitoring solutions. This allows each new consumer to contribute evenly to processing the backlog. You can use kafka-consumer-groups. 4, all stream applications use the incremental cooperative rebalancing protocol to speed up every rebalancing. We can get consumer lag in kafka-python. In this tutorial, we’ll build an analyzer application to monitor Kafka consumer lag. Dec 16, 2022 · Kafka Lag Exporter. You may also re-implement message-processing layer in more Nov 21, 2018 · For reduce lag, what should i do in consumer & producer. クラスター名を選択します。. However, my broker already makes use of Apr 11, 2016 · Any ideas what the problem of the Kafka setup might be or how to fix it. By identifying and addressing these situations, the broker’s operation can be streamlined and optimized, ensuring efficient performance even with a low message rate. Consumer Lag. Please provide enough code so others can better kafka-consumer-lag. id=<groupName>. sh shell script which ships with Kafka to describe the state of my consumer. Now if we consider the condition as 0 <= lag <= 100 for cg1 and -1 <= lag <= 100 for cg2. Currently we are giving our consumer manually, you also get consumers from kafka-python, but it gives only the list of active consumers. These pods (consumer pods) will scale upon a Kafka event, specifically consumer group lag. Monitoring consumer lag is essential to help ensure the smooth functioning of your Kafka cluster. Net consumer reading message from a kafka topic with 3 partition. net for about a year and a half and suddenly encounters consumer lag this past few days. If the Confluent Consumer stops working for any reason (if a fatal exception occurs), the consumer will be recreated. Try out and share prebuilt visualizations. spring. One of the key metrics to monitor when working with Apache Kafka, as a data pipeline or a streaming platform, is Consumer Groups Lag. Shown as record: kafka. Loretta Jones takes us through the notion of consumer lag in an Apache Kafka topic: Amongst various metrics that Kafka monitoring includes consumer lag is nearly the most important of them all. 2-0. I am looking the below jmx metrics: kafka. Dec 29, 2020 · we have a . consumerRunner. records-lag-max. Apr 5, 2020 · We encounter a consumer lag which is taking too long before consumer resumes back to its normal behaviour, initially we did deploy traditional consumers app made of . tools. Can you please suggest what can be the issue. Third-party tools like Open-Messaging-Benchmark, Confluent's kafka-load-gen and LinkedIn's kafka-tools. Consumer lag measures the difference in offset value of the last produced message and the last consumed message. So if one of your consumers is down. sh command to find out the lag. the console command for that is: kafka-console-consumer. In this post, we will explore potential reasons for Kafka consumer lag Sep 6, 2021 · The time lag is an estimated length of time that a consumer group is behind the last produced message for a particular topic partition. The node didn't recover from that state. Spring Kafka with spring. Dec 14, 2020 · Hi, for us the solution was to: - use a kafka-lag-exporter. Kafka consumer lag — which measures the delay between a Kafka producer and consumer — is a key Kafka performance indicator. Python tool that allows you to constantly monitor LAG value for each partition/topic/group. In kafka-manager you have to enable this feature for each cluster: Kafka Lag Exporter makes it easy to view the offset lag and calculate an estimate of latency (residence time) of your Apache Kafka consumer groups. 3 version. The Infrastructure is composed of a kafka cluster as the real-time streaming layer, logstash API Jun 13, 2023 · Execute the following command to monitor lag for a specific consumer group: kafka-consumer-groups. Maximum consumer lag. type: BATCH or any similar batching consumption in combination with e. However, the seekToBeginning() will also not work in this case, as the offsets will be entirely managed by the consumer group. Clients を選択し、 Consumer Lag タブを選択します。. 10. For an example that showcases how to monitor Confluent Cloud インターフェイス経由のコンシューマーラグのモニタリング. Since 2014, Apache Kafka has served as a core piece of AppsFlyer’s large-scale event-driven architecture, running data Apr 22, 2021 · You already got a very low consumer lag. bin/kafka-consumer-groups. In the event that an ingestion lag is observed again (due to extended Maintenance Windows or spikes in data traffic), we reduce the blast radius associated with data loss by attempting to load the oldest available record in Kafka. When i checked kafka consumer , there are LAG values seen : docker run --ne We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. - use dynatrace_ingest to put it the result in Dynatrace. Utilities shell script for checking Kafka consumer offset lag. Typically, a dashboard that shows the lag for every X minutes is needed to monitor the lag Apr 16, 2024 · 1. Lag is the delta between the last produced message and the last committed message of a partition. Consumer lag is simply the delta between the consumer’s last committed offset and the producer’s end offset in the log. Throughput is the number of messages handled by Kafka per unit of time. 7. Aug 24, 2018 · Hi, I have a strange problem at kafka channel topic like kafka consumer group lag ( 15 lacs events) in one or two partition only. Anton Huck Mar 27, 2020 · In order to monitor the consumer lag, you need to bring those informations together: Continuously requesting latest offsets within a TopicPartition. When lag is distributed evenly among partitions, each consumer has an equal backlog. We are using 1. – Sanju Thomas. リストからコンシューマーグループを選択して Jun 14, 2021 · Consumer lag indicates the lag between Kafka producers and consumers. NET Confluent. Shown as offset: kafka. Here is what it looks like: Apr 14, 2023 · I'm using Kafka exporter to monitor the Kafka metrics which is then queried in prometheus. If there Mar 22, 2018 · Meanwhile a workaround that seems to work: Before starting the real consumer process, the integration test creates (using kafka-python) a consumer belonging to the (yet nonexisting) real consumer's group, briefly polls the (yet nonexisting) topic, and is then closed. It is easy to set up and can run anywhere, but it provides features to run easily on Kubernetes clusters. 8), newer versions of Kafka have special topic __consumer_offsets that stores each consumer's lag. Published 2021-05-25 by Kevin Feasel. It can run anywhere, but it provides features to run easily on Kubernetes clusters against Strimzi Kafka clusters using the Prometheus and Grafana monitoring stack. You could for example create a Kafka AdminClient and get the required information from Kafka during the Community resources. Feb 9, 2024 · The consumer lag is the difference between the last record produced to a partition and the current offset that the consumer has processed. It has a background task that fetches the messages from any topics/partitions assigned for that consumer and delivers them to the Consumer Worker Pool. sh --bootstrap-server <brokerIP>:9092 --topic <topicName> --consumer-property group. ConsumerOffsetChecker --group topic_partition --zkconnect Concepts. sh(bat)。kafka-consumer-groups 脚本是 Kafka 为我们提供的最直接的监控消费者消费进度的工具。当然,除了监控 Lag 之外,它还有其他的功能。今天,我们主要讨论如何使用它来监控 Lag Aug 31, 2023 · The consumer lag can be calculated using the following formula: Consumer lag = Latest offset in topic - Consumer offset. Feb 13, 2017 · try (final KafkaConsumer<String, String> consumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(props)) {. The query I have so far: Apr 7, 2016 · Assume no more Kafka events are published in, when all the previous kafka events persisted in Kafka broker get expired due to retention and the related consumer has not completed consuming all event, Will the related Kafka consumer Lag get stuck with given partitions? Jul 5, 2019 · Next, ensure that your consumer subscribes to the partitions to which the messages are produced. ssh to a remote machine with kafka running on it, run kafka-consumer-groups, for multiple groups, collect the output, group by group and topic and finally print average and max lag. The offset can be edited to rewind (and refetch data records) or to fast-forward (and skip data records). Jun 9, 2016 · Use the consumer group feature properly, using the subscribe() API. If you wanted to reduce the lag even further, please find out if the lag is due to workers being busy processing messages - if so, increase the number of consumers on the same consumer group. To verify if you are affected by this, set the max. If your lag is below 500 the metric will show 0. There are several tools and techniques available to test Kafka performance tuning such as: Kafka built-in tools like kafka-producer-perf-test. Nov 14, 2018 · This usually means that whenever the exporter connected to Kafka and fetched the offsets the lag was ahead of the committed offset. records_consumed (gauge) The average number of records consumed per second for a specific topic. Our condition is never met and we are stuck. Burrow source code exposes the “kafka_burrow_partition_lag” variable, which you can use to track partition lag in three ways. sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --group my-group will give me ALL the partitions and their lags for a single consumer group. Shown as message: kafka. Specifically, consumer lag for a given consumer group indicates the delay between the last message added to a topic partition and the message last picked up by the consumer of that partition. In other words, lag indicates how far behind your application is in Jan 25, 2024 · Accept kafka-consumer-groups output like file from stdin and print aggregated output to stdout. interval. After that the real consumer process is started and it always works. answered Jan 25 at 14:38. Our consumers are keeping track of their offsets in Kafka rather than ZooKeper. Try consuming using the kafka-console-consumer with --from-beginning flag. Aug 4, 2019 · I'm observing that Kafka Consumer is inconsistently not able to receive the messages when Producer trying to send it. kafka-consumer-api. – OneCricketeer. Each worker has 8Gb of JVM dedicated memory and 2 CPUs. Consumer lag used to be stored in ZooKeeper (Kafka <= v0. The consumer group lag metric will be exported to Oct 7, 2017 · I'm trying to monitor the lag of a consumer group in Kafka 0. Many thanks. sh scripts. g. None of the partitions have a replica -> replication-factor 1. Summary of key Kafka lag concepts. If you are using Spring for Apache Kafka, we recommend setting enable. Previously, Lambda allocated a minimum of one processor for a consumer. You could increase the limit on the number of files to be opened (on linux it is usually determined by ulimit). If under delay you really mean consumer lag, then you need to increase number of consumers that process data, but this is could be limited by number of partitions that you have per topic. Unfortunately, from a $ perspective that can be a lot more May 18, 2018 · SSDs for Streams app is recommended if your use RocksDB because RocksDB is optimized for SSDs (not sure were you read that HDD is recommended for Streams apps? If this is a Confluent source, we need to fix it. Use Java client metrics and the Kafka Admin API to monitor offset lag. apache Jul 26, 2021 · This is a rather old question, but one case where I've found this to happen (no data being produced, consumers being 'up-to-date' but still showing lag) is when using e. Use JMX metrics to monitor offset lag. So I have a hard time finding the problem. The poller assigners send them to processors which batch the records and invoke your function. i ve seen this log message when this happened. Data is distributed across the following partitions. It provides more different kafka metrics. - GitHub - jwszolek/kafka-lag-monitor: Python tool that allows you to constantly monitor LAG value for each partition/topic/group. I am trying to fetch the consumer lags but getting infinity for all the consumers that application have. Mar 13, 2023 · We have a total of 20 connector running (most of them run in par with lag), circa 550 tasks in total and 12 workers replicas that can host them (circa 44-45 instances per worker). コンシューマーグループのリストが表示されます。. consumer. Feb 18, 2024 · How to mitigate Kafka consumer lag problems. Kafka consumer group lag is a key performance indicator of any Kafka-based event-driven system. Continuously checking the current offset processed by Structured Streaming application. Consumer lag is a combination of both offset lag and consumer latency. If you are using Streams API then you need not worry about this since you will subscribe to all the partitions. I can get the desired result using this script: $ bin/kafka-run-class. ms which is 5 minutes by default. This article explores Kafka lag, how to diagnose it, and best practices to reduce it. 1 and the problem exists because the partition high watermark is not necessarily up to date in contrast to the consumer group offset. AppsFlyer is a SaaS mobile marketing, analytics, and attribution platform. The idea is that a consumer does Kafka Lag Monitoring For Human Beings. Thanks in advance. NOTE: Consumer Lag UI details may take up to 5 minutes to update due to Metric Data Latency. 9. The output is in JSON format and contains datatime. Reference: Monitor Offset Lag via Kafka Admin API Oct 11, 2021 · 2. apache-kafka. So with the increase in number of topic/partitions, the number of files accessed by kafka would also increase. Jan 17, 2020 · Report latency metrics in the Kafka Consumer at the client (max latency) and partition level, similar to how consumer lag is currently reported. The consumer offset is specified in the log with each request. records to 1 and see if the metrics report a lag. If the rate of production of data far exceeds the rate at which it is getting consumed, consumer groups will exhibit lag. Mar 16, 2017 · 12. put Sep 22, 2020 · Incremental Cooperative Rebalancing. Restarting the services which consume from the topic has no effect on the lag. Producer: A producer is the source of data in your Kafka cluster that sends the data to multiple topics in the broker. client-id_consumer-v1*. Consumer lag is a combination of both offset lag and consumer latency, and can be monitored using Confluent Control Center and using JMX metrics starting in Confluent Platform 7. records_per_request_avg (gauge) Aug 7, 2019 · 10. Mar 20, 2023 · A Lag monitoring system to monitor the lag between the consumer and the topic in real time is mandatory. Aug 2, 2021 at 15:12. max-poll-records=1. kafka. Most likely, the problem was max. At times there is a lag of more than 15 sec when it is posted in topic and when it was picked up. All nodes (for brokers and consumers) are of reasonable configurations, hosted and AWS and we hardly see any spikes in any of the machines. This client also interacts with the broker to allow groups of Jul 26, 2021 · When lag is uniform across all partitions on a given topic, it is typically addressed by adding new instances to the consumer group (aka horizontal scaling). Consumer offset is the offset of the last message that the consumer has processed. Not sure if this is best way to do it. The basic problem is that Datadog's consumer lag check is trying to grab all consumer offsets from a single place, vs in the Java kafka consumer and most other kafka consumer implementations, the consumer itself knows its offset and can report it somewhere as part of the poll() loop. Dashboard templates. admin. Kafka have only one topic. I am not sure why it is not giving the exact . 0-RC1 (for Net472). In the context of Kafka, "latency" is the time it takes for a message to be published by a producer and then delivered to a consumer. The process for resetting a Kafka consumer offset is as follows: Identify which consumers need their offsets reset (i. Four common reasons for consumer lag are (1) Incoming traffic surges, (2) Data skew in partitions, (3) Slow processing jobs, and (4) Errors in code and pipeline components. Get your metrics into Prometheus quickly Mar 19, 2018 · 1. auto. We experimented with different ways to calculate the time Feb 20, 2021 · Problem. This is the code I got from someone. But this works. 0 distributed over Kubernetes cluster with stirmzi. io. This command Nov 30, 2021 · 1. position(tp) Maybe it makes sense to mention these two properties in the documentation. There could be some consumer configuration problem. The metric is depending on the consumer property max. I am trying to write a query to have an alert when either of these consumer group lag increases beyond the average lag. If you’re using Kafka and partitions specifically because of ordered processing, this means if you have a poison message that you can’t consume, you’ll experience consumer lag. For running consumer app, it stores the offset of consumed messages in memory regardless of commit/uncommit offset, if restarting the consumer app, it will retrieve the offset of 'CURRENT-OFFSET' to continue with the consumption. Therefore the consumer offset can be higher than the partition high watermark. type_consumer-fetch-manager-metrics. rgaponov. When my test tries to consume from Kafka, it doesnt appear to be consuming the latest messages. In this example i am saying show me all the topics that group1 is listening to and whats the lag, my consumer was down for last few min. But somehow, we are finding that the consumer lag is very high, despite adding 40 consumers to cater the read for the above setup. Nov 9, 2023 · Pollers have consumers that read records from Kafka partitions. Jan 24, 2018 · 9. - transform our file. We have been trying to create a kafka consumer that tries to consume data about 2. 3 and macos. put("bootstrap. Sep 14, 2020 · Also, I've found that the feature to fix offset is not working when using the following property and value spring. 7). To see more consumer group details, including offsets information, use the Kafka Admin API. I have a Kafka topic with 3 consumer groups, these 3 consumer groups are used by 3 different services. Prometheus exporters. I tried different combinations of number of partitions in Kafka and pipelines in Logstash, also various combinations of batch. max-poll-records > 1. We are noticing lag in the consumer reading messages. You can use them in conjunction to identify and troubleshoot issues. 0 Kudos. This works fine. records which is 500 by default. Aug 7, 2019 · This is a quick guide for autoscaling Kafka pods. This is the dominant use case for Kafka. Kafka provides various mechanisms to reduce latency, such as batching messages, compression, and network Kafka Consumer. 11. sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --group group1. For kafka, a topic partition maps to a log file on disk. 5. I know this code is not a difficult code. This means I can get the figures using the following: bin/kafka-consumer-groups. This is more of a local, intermittent use kind of solution, but it’s worth mentioning: kafka-consumer-groups \--bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \--group my_group \--describe. kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --group my-consumer-group. edited Aug 3, 2021 at 9:04. Problem is for the loader topic with low throughput the cg2 disappears, so we do not know its lag and consider it as -1. I've used the kafka-consumer-groups. Jul 23, 2017 · I'm trying to write a test that makes the REST calls and then consumes the messages from the Kafka topic. Use Confluent Control Center to monitor consumer latency. It’s where the Confluent Client runs. , they are stalled or lagging) Make the consumer group inactive. We are using Kafka v-2. commit to false so that the container will commit the offsets in a more deterministic fashion (either after each record, or each batch of records - the default). Edit the offset. In parallel you can run the command to see the Jun 18, 2019 · I have a number of kafka topics with a significant lag for a particular consumer group. sh script and enable to send probing result to remote elasticsearch server. The script is created based on the existing Apache Kafka package kafka-consumer-groups. fo et uq vj qd sd wv et ob wx