Should i go under for wisdom teeth reddit

Fox Business Outlook: Costco using some of its savings from GOP tax reform bill to raise their minimum wage to $14 an hour. 

I was researching wisdom teeth on this sub and came across this I don't feel much pain directly in my teeth, however I've had pretty weird unidentified symptoms like pain behind my eyeballs, blurry vision and tense facial muscles mostly around my eyes, in my sinuses and cheeks. If your dentist is recommending it, I would. The recovery process DOES NOT scare me. I had all 4 pulled yesterday Short answer is that you don't have to have the other wisdom teeth removed unless they appear to have the potential to cause resorption, decay or gum disease with the second molar forward of the wisdom tooth. • 12 yr. So I finally got new dental insurance which covers a HUGE chunk of the wisdom teeth extraction. My dentist has suggested fillings but says they're not too necessary. I only had to pay about $100 out of pocket. I was put under, wisdom teeth were removed and they stitched the sockets where the tooth was removed (therefore not having to deal with cleaning, etc. im getting my wisdom teeth out in 2 days and i am scared out of my mind. I'll be updating this every night with how my day has gone in order to calm the nerves of those in a similar experience as me. • 1 yr. EDIT: phrasing. You get your teeth out in boot (I went in 2009), you get ONE day of SIQ. For the most part, the entire experience was painless and went by quick! but yeah if you’ve got reservations then cancel. I have an orthodontist appointment scheduled in 2 weeks for impressions and records. Verified professionals will have flair assigned to them. hi, im 17 and im a dude (ftm). I’ve never had to have any type of surgery before and I’ve never needed to go under anesthesia for anything. Yeah it’s probably a bruised nerve. Also spitting could cause problems. This is because the roots aren't fully formed, the bone in the jaws is less dense and I was looking for a response like this. Reddit is not a replacement for an in-person dental professional. Anything about wisdom teeth! The biggest issue is cleaning them. Had to get all 5 taken out, no laughing gas (I had a bad expierence with it as a teenager), no general anesthesia. : r/wisdomteeth. I passed out from the nitrous oxide so I didn’t experience any discomfort/pain during the surgery. If I heard the word "impacted" and "4 teeth" then Ixd be knocked out. Nov 22, 2023 ยท Some dentists recommend removing wisdom teeth if they don't fully grow in. McCankles. You have to go get your food all by yourself, still get yelled out, still have blood He removed all four wisdom teeth, including two that were impacted in under ten minutes. e. The Dentist offered me a sedation pill with Nitrous oxide at a discounted rate. Getting my wisdom teeth extracted soon (all 4) and I'm pretty scared. Good luck! toothyanker. I had 4 wisdom teeth, and my jaw was already so small i had to have 4 regular teeth pulled just so my years of wearing a brace wouldnt be futile. 3 of them are impacted and horizontal (they’ll need to cut through the bone). Full text: i have really bad anxiety with this kind of thing so if anyone could answer any of these questions i’d appreciate the help. Like I mean sit or lay and prop your head up. Didn't want to relive Teeth were required to be cut out because of how they had grown in. I reckon the infection intensified the pain to the millionth degree. The position of the tooth - in the jaw will determine this. Now I'm down to $200. When I had my last one removed recently, after my appointment, I felt absolutely fine apart from the numbness. Dentist #2 requires PRF for protection on bottom and prefers all 5 teeth removal under required general anesthesia which I don’t want. I'm worried sick; everyone I've spoken too has only told me horror stories or emphasized how terrible the process/recovery is going to be. Smoking or vaping is a huge risk factor for dry socket. My brother had 6 wisdom teeth, and 3 of them were 90 degrees askew in his jaw. This insures you get a full range of motion sooner. I did feel a bit of pain from when 2 of the wisdom teeth were extracted (because they were prettyy impacted) but the pain went away quick when the teeth were quickly pulled out. I have those flaps behind my 2nd molars after my wisdom teeth were extracted and it's completely normal. I'm sitting at home, in horrible pain, with no teeth out. Tolerance towards THC is also tolerance to the anesthesia they're gonna use to keep you out. I would do the wisdom tooth removal here in Australia personally. wisdom teeth can have nerves wrapped around them and the top ones can protrude into the sinus cavity when impacted. It will feel weird but floss is supposed to go under the gums. Just use the gauze. My former partner was put under and other than being a bit loopy, he was eating soft foods later that night with minimal swelling and pain. I checked my mouth to make sure the teeth were gone. I (27F) am planning on getting braces this year for lower crowding and my upper front teeth are starting to slant inwards. I went under and actually remember having a good time with the nurses I drank water around 4 and a half to 5 hours before my wisdom teeth surgery. He says that removing my wisdom teeth will ruin my jaw line. 10/10 would not do again. Blood everywhere, couldn't eat, etc. quasifrobenius. I'm interested to know what your experiences with wisdom teeth removal have been. if youre in there removing 2, you might as well remove them all! Yes I think this is a good recommendation. The first and only impacted wisdom I had removed in the procedure made me go borderline insane. I was sent home with T3s I didn’t end up needing and an apple juice. • 2 mo. I say this half joking, but maybe they suggested not doing it because they were concerned you were swishing Reddit is not a replacement for an in-person dental professional. SHOULD I KEEP MY WISDOM TEETH My father insists for me to keep my wisdom teeth. Any 24 and older still have their wisdom teeth? I am 24 and decided to get my wisdom teeth out while I had good insurance, even though they weren't giving me trouble, but they were still impacted. Smaller bites chewed more to the front, first molar forward. Only get them if u 1000% trust yourself that u will not become reliant upon them when u run out. Do not be mean, insulting or disrespectful to any other user on this subreddit. r/wisdomteeth. I'm moving to Europe for studies and don't want to face any issues there in the future. The top ones do not cause pain - one broke gums and grew out but isn't touching my bottom molars, the other one is still inside the bone and is not showing yet. Smoking should be avoided for 24 hours. Like 4 badly impacted wisdom teeth (quite unlikely). Years later, another dentist recommended I have the other three removed. They don't cause me any pain or discomfort. Yes - I also have Delta and got my impacted wisdom tooth removed back in September at an oral surgeon. My appointment was at 11:30, the teeth probably came out around 12:30. If you are in your 20's then your jaws may continue to grow and give more room for the teeth to erupt. eljesse. For more detail read on if you wish. that others might have to do if they have a local anesthesia). You need to hold some very warm and very very salty water against the infected teeth and gums for about 3-4 minutes 5 or 6 times a day. On the topic of chewing; no need to overdo it, make sure not to chew more at any given moment than you can handle, make sure not to develop TMJ issues. My teeth are growing up straight and is only slightly covered by my gums. It is not a concern in the first 2 to 3 days post-op. nothing happened to me, no swelling, barely any pain for a day and some bleeding for a couple hours. I'm 30 and I'm getting the surgery done this week. The thought of them ripping teeth out of my skull and me not remembering it just doesn’t make any sense to me. What should I know going into this? EDIT--- It's 4:46 Friday. Before that, an X-ray showed that I already had four wisdom teeth poking out, but they weren't removed. Tbh more dreading the risk of nerve damage but I know that's quite a low risk. I don't smoke or drink and have no medications or treatments. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. . Hello, I went to get a checkup at my local dentist (I've never been to a dentist before, I'm 21M), the doctor told the assistant to note that my 18 and 28 wisdom teeth needs to be removed, but with no further information, it does not cause me pain or discomfort. I was awake as well for the procedure. In many instances, taking out wisdom teeth as a young adult — generally 15 to 22 years old — is safer, easier and requires less recovery than taking out wisdom teeth later in life. Until recently i started to feel extreme pain from it. a straw) due to the fact that you could accidentally pull stitches that way. In addition, our teeth would break in the past with no dental care so wisdom teeth served a great purpose for replacing teeth. Two days after extraction, I got an infection and ended up taking those pills every 4 hours. The patients that only do liquids tend to have a limited opening for a bit. Costs here should be a few grand. So all four of my molars have to be pulled. I have anxiety as well and my biggest piece of advice after getting mine out this week is to go to an oral surgeon you trust and understand that they will do their best to take care of you. Im almost 22 and i have an impacted canine due to a small palate, i went to a dentist and he suggested to extract 1/2 wisdom teeth to create space for my adult canine. It was on the bottom right. I asked if all of it was out and he said yes and stitched me up. It is a hard decision to make. He referred me to a surgeon to be put under for it. And I put that on my CareCredit card. Older people get it more than younger people. Liquid diet at all times if you can. Please abide by the following rules in order to get an accurate answer to your question: (1) Ensure you include a title of your dental problem. Just wondering if I should get my wisdom teeth taken out if I’m feeling some pain. Dentist #1 proposed removing 4 teeth with local anesthetic with optional bone graft on bottom and leaving 5th tooth till later. Stitches came out not long after. I've had all my wisdom teeth removed, some surgically, others simply pulled out. My impression is that dental surgeons don't use the same type of anaesthesia like general surgeons. Most of my wisdoms teeth have fully erupted, so it shouldn’t be a big deal to get them pulled like any other tooth hopefully Hi all! I just wanted to share some tips from my own complicated wisdom teeth surgery recovery. No amount of shots will cover up the immense pressure in your skull tho; a bad fewling for sure! If your wisdom teeth are impacted, not only will it not go away, it will get worse as the food and bacteria cause the tooth to decay further and probably infect the bone and soft tissue around the tooth. I've choose to get the crowns of my lower wisdom teeth taken out because I am hoping that the roots will eventually move away from the nerves. In the case of damage nerves may need a period of rest before they start healing, a few weeks, so don’t worry about it. I also have a cross-bite because of my upper canine which is a bit at Visiting family from Costa Rica and wanted to take my wisdom teeth out. You’ll need all 4 out - if you only extract the bottom the top wisdom teeth will start growing down (over erupt) because they won’t be occluding with any other teeth. Three pieces of advice: your gums will probably be bleeding when the surgery is over - totally normal. It's the first time I've heard of wisdom teeth not being as strong as regular teeth. However, I’ve been seeing some post on Reddit and some YouTube videos of people saying they’ve experiencing facial recession from getting their wisdom teeth taken out some have experienced question. 5 impacted wisdom teeth, saw 2 dentists. I have no issues or visible symptoms as of now. The dentist or surgeon should be catering to your needs while still considering your other health issues so maybe you should find another dentist. [deleted] • 12 yr. The dentist i went to had a hard time removing it and i remember hearing it break. Great! However what's not great is that in reality I'm a poor 18 year old so my father is paying for it. I am from Ontario, Canada and I was quoted $3480 for 4 wisdom teeth removal (performed by an oral surgeon, and under general anesthesia which costs $860). I'm extremely nervous. If you are removing the impacted ones, you may as well remove the others because they tend to cause problems in the future. That plop tho when it got out was nice tho. So when I was 14 I had 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled out which was 1 in each corner. And most importantly. Reddit is the only place I’ve seen people talking about not needed to go under. Went like this. And I am typically very high anxiety. TLDR: they have Xanax on hand, the anesthesia will eliminate your fear of everything. All 4 of my third molars were impacted AND infected so I wanted to post this here (it would have helped me to know ahead of time). [deleted] Wisdom tooth removal: local vs general anesthesia. No, my teeth didn't shift due to my wisdom teeth extraction haha. Quick backstory: I had one of my wisdom teeth removed. Get some floss back there under the gums gently and you'll be okay. The main problem you could run into is waking up during surgery. Had to have all wisdom teeth out in one go, they put me under with something, no idea what. you may not have to have it removed. Be polite and courteous to each other. Here are a few: Reddit opinion deems death to wisdom! Nah. Award. Yes! Get them extracted! I'm not a dentist but even I can tell they from the OPG, and your description, that they need to go. Already scheduled an extraction this Friday but having second thoughts Impaction also has the ability to dig into your second molars, which could potentially damage your second molars beyond repair as well. Now, at 21, I'm wondering if I should have them removed after braces. Day of Surgery, Day 1 recovery: I had my surgery at 9:30 am this morning and I decided to go Just removed all of my wisdom teeth under general anesthesia, they never placed gauze on the site and was sent home without any, is that normal? So I woke up 5 hours ago with them finally gone, but for some reason they never placed gauzes on them and there was no blood at all in the first hour afterwords. first picture is the top of my teeth. Augh. It's not really a rinse or swish kind of situation. I had a consult last year and my orthodontist said my wisdom teeth won’t impact my treatment, but Hi! I finally went to see an oral surgeon about my wisdom teeth and it turns out all 4 are impacted and 1 in particular is causing a lot of pain. I've had 3 wisdom teeth and 2 broken molars (1st one crumbled when a filling fell out, the 2nd was cracked by the incoming wisdom tooth) pulled with only local anesthetic and two of them were done in the same appointment. I put mine off and feel foolish now as, not only was the surgery and recovery much easier than I thought, but I also have crowding where my developing-wisdom teeth pushed my other teeth. Do not cause any suction in your mouth. I opted to go directly to surgery. For starters I have anxiety, and when getting cavities filled the needles do Award. Should I be put to sleep or put under laughing gas for my wisdom teeth removal? I'd rather go under the gas, I really want to feel that euphoric not caring about anything feeling everyone talks about after being on it, and if you get put to sleep you have a small chance of dying or going into a coma, even if it's mad small, it still exists, and I have never had any of my wisdom teeth removed because they never caused any issues. Yes, I had all four taken and got sent back to work immediately (Army dentist) I'd say to avoid going all the way under for the whole thing. Swallowing too much blood will make you puke, vicodin or not, empty stomach or not. IV sedation experiences. I am just worried that it can cause more movement of my teeth if I get the extraction since I I just got my wisdom teeth taken out. Yes it is all just a big conspiracy. Depending on how much room you have back there, brushing the wisdom teeth can be really difficult - which is just bad breath/cavities waiting to happen. Which means he's in charge of money and decisions and everything. The wisdom teeth removal was successful and I didn't get any dry socket afterwards. I'm still not sure if I made the right decision. I have an entire prescription of pain killers left over. However, lots of people get their wisdom teeth (3rd molars) removed for a variety reasons. Getting 3rd opinion is also possible. And where you likely don’t need general anaesthetic. It's like very gently moving salt water around your mouth to get salt water on the wounds to promote healing. It tends to appear somewhere around 4 to 10 days post op, after your extraction. I was 16 and went all the way under to get all 4 of my wisdoms out. I think they're going to give me vicodin. 9. Just like you wouldn't consider removing your healthy tonsils, appendix or gallbladder, for that matter. General anesthesia. Was given 2 tablets and allowed a small amount of water, do not know what tablets were. Could not have anything to eat for many hours before I even turned up at the surgery. I was told they’re all very impacted and the bottom ones are touching a nerve and there is a chance of nerve damage, I was also told that they may have to leave some of the root in for one of the bottom ones. It's more common with lower molars rather than upper. I have 4 bony impacted teeth and they're all coming out tomorrow at 11:30. Surgeon had to cut the tooth into 4 pieces to remove it. I’m getting all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed on the 26th. Been on some antibiotics and some pain killers the past days and the pain is gone, but I'm not sure if it will return again if I do not get them removed. It's straight, but not the straightest. More like more evolved for a modern day society. Wisdom teeth removal before braces. Just like you wouldn't remove any other tooth that wasn't annoying you and didn't have specific problems, you shouldn't consider to remove asymptomatic and healthy wisdom teeth. i am absolutely terrified. Was on a soft food diet for about a week. Lower Ones yes. MAYBE two if you're lucky. I had never been put to sleep before and was more terrified of the anesthesia than the actual surgery. . The abscess wiil drain eventually and get better until you get the chance to have them extracted. Your dentist will X-ray the tooth and determine if feasible to remove the tooth under a local anesthetic. I'm going to be under via IV anesthesia. If you need to, get at least 2 of them out first and the other 2 when you can afford them. I'm pretty much back to normal now, and I even had a dry socket. Do not rinse your mouth for 24 hours, although it is permissible to drink cool or lukewarm liquids. The surgeon told me one of my teeth are close to a nerve and that freaked me out even more, I'm worried about becoming paralyzed. I'm 20 years old and I have two horizontally impacted wisdom teeth at the bottom of my mouth. Perillan14. thomport. also some stiffness and difficulty moving my jaw that has been better some days, worse others, over the past week. The main things I’m worried about with IV sedation and being asleep is that I’m very sensitive with getting IVs and I get faint and lightheaded whenever I get one. So, in 12 hours I'm having an operation to get 3 wisdom teeth removed, going under general anesthetic in the hospital. Last week I felt some major pain and migraine because of my wisdom teeth and had to skip work for it. • 5 mo. •. Thanks for the post and recovery info, really useful ๐Ÿ™‚ Posted by u/Scarfington - No votes and 41 comments Hello to whoever is reading I hope this treats you well and gives you some information! ๐Ÿ’Œ I am currently 18 and few months back I was notified that it was time to have all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed. 4K subscribers in the wisdomteeth community. Had to be careful with anything requiring suction to eat (i. Apparently it's impacted and won't be the easiest to get out unfortunately. Just because they’re not painful now, or ever, doesn’t always mean there’s no issue. Speaking of that, see if they have an option to finance the wisdom teeth extraction so you don’t have to pay that huge sum and you if you can pay in parts. Had all 4 impacted taken out almost 2 days ago, and the experience was better than expected. I had surgery last week (not for wisdom teeth removal) and was put under general anesthesia. Head to the dentist and pop those bad boys out. Apparently when I went to the dentist they told me I still had another wisdom and need to be extracted. Eventually those weren't enough to handle the pain, so I was prescribed tylenol 4, which made it some what manageable. I didn’t feel pain in any of my wisdom teeth and the only ones left are the ones on my upper mouth. We have wisdom teeth because our jaws use to be bigger when our diets were different. You might feel some weird sensations as it comes back online, all yes, theyre hard for the average person to keep clean. Went back about 7 days later, and had the stitches removed. The optimal age range for removal is 18-24. the second is my right side and the last picture is my left side. (I've heard many different things about the smoking, and the vast majority have said from 4 days to a week. It was impacted and i went to the dentist. Every case is different and not everyones mouth swells post surgery. • 3 yr. I'm in a similar boat, but my teeth are much difficult to take out. I think because I was all the way out and didn't even have my normal muscle tone, they maybe decided it'd be easier to use one of those chest-spredder type things to pry my jaw open a bit farther than it normally went. My father never removed his teeth and thinks ill be less of a man for it. Pre-covid, I was advised by my dentist that it would be wise to remove them to prevent costly or painful procedures later in life. Look into the doctor you are seeing! My oral surgeon is also a board certified anesthesiologist. ) I had all 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed under local anesthesia/conscious sedation. Jaw hurt for a few days and couldn't eat solid food until a week after. 2 of my wisdom teeth have minor caries. I ruled out almost every possible cause apart from my teeth. I was previously looking at $4000 out of pocket. It sucked a little, but that was about it. oftentimes if i am chewing and food hits the back area it hurts. I have 3 under the gum impacted full bony wisdom teeth that are causing no pain but I do feel that my jaw is tight. I need to get them removed at some point. It shouldn't hurt to smoke the day before wisdom teeth surgery. Drown yourself with water. i got answers from my current dentist but i want a second opinion. The good news is that getting your wisdom teeth pulled under general anesthesia with 2 nights stay at the hospital is price capped if you have national health insurance, so it’ll be affordable. i have really bad anxiety and panic attacks so its even worse. I would say yes. I did NOTHING different in advance to “prepare” to have them removed besides get items I would need for afterwards and tidy my room. It all depends heavily on your jaw, your teeth, and the number of your wisdom teeth. I had all 4 wisdom teeth impacted, plus a tooth cracked from the wisdom tooth next to it trying to force its way in. During the operation I decided to only take out my lower ones since I was in pain after the surgeon injected anesthesia multiple times and took an hour. Had good ol' mom take care of me. Yes you can. You don't need to believe me. If the pain is too much, then stop taking tylenol and take hydrocodone every 6 hours. Hello there I have my wisdom teeth extraction coming up in a weeks & im so scared. LindzwithaphOG. Do NOT do anything for a week or two. Do it. A couple shots of novocain and I was out of the office in under an hour every time. there’s a bunch of complications that can happen from removing them. People are more likely to go to Thailand for cosmetic/restorative dentistry. And I have to go under general anesthesia which getting my wisdom teeth removed. I just had a few questions: My dentist has instructed me to take 600 mg advil every 4 hours and 325 mg tylenol every 6 hours. I got my 4 wisdom teeth all pulled out at the same time before boot, I had a shitty time. I’ll ask if I have to. Get em out, it's a small procedure and you won't miss them. Get them out ASAP before the roots get deeper Also: GET PAIN MEDS !!! YOU WILL BE SO SORE WITHOUT THEM. Ive been having some pain on my lower right wisdom tooth. But don't let yourself swallow too much blood. It was a smooth experience for me and I recommend conscious sedation to you if you don’t want to go under general anesthesia but don’t want to be awake Especially remember Rule 1: Be polite and civil. By the ninth day regardless of how your teeth are positioned, you should be feeling pretty decent and with practically no noticeable swelling. You just need time. From the xrays they don’t look super bad (at least none are horizontal) and I was wondering about just getting it done at my dentists office or somewhere with iv sedation. It's not as crooked prior to when I had braces, but it's definitely not as straight compared to when I first removed my braces. 1. 100% get them all out at once. ive never been put under before and the thought of it scares me so much. Dentist here. I think the office said I would have to pay 500 out of pocket if I wanted full sedation. BUT my teeth did shift overtime because teeth naturally try to go back a bit to their natural position. Title: getting my wisdom teeth out and i’m terrified. creepcycle. Wisdom teeth removal is often done early in life for a variety of reasons, including ease of removal and lower risks of complications. So I guess it makes sense that I’m nervous. Seems crazy to me. Bottom ones are impacted. im scared about getting sick from pain meds TL;DR' I wanted to drive myself home after getting my wisdom teeth out, so I requested not to go under general anesthesia and do local instead. It's more common with women. i am getting all four done in one go, in a week under laughing gas. Since I want to start braces, I went to three different orthodontists and two of them said that removal is not necessary and one said that I should get it removed before getting braces. The tingling is a good sign, it means at least some of the nerve is still functional, it just needs time to recover. Google smoking after wisdom teeth removal for more information. Long time reddit lurker and currently in my 3rd year of dental school. Go completely under if you're able to especially if you have anxiety. That was a much better option. My concern is that without them, my teeth might shift back, but they're causing issues like biting myself while eating and being difficult to clean. I honestly think they need better wording. NAD but a hygienist. I think the recovery process was more uncomfortable than the wisdom teeth removal itself. We want our patients eating relatively normal foods after the numbness has gone away. 2. Should I remove all 4 wisdom teeth in one go, even if only two are causing pain? I am 23 male, recently started experience pain in both of my bottom wisdom teeth. All 4 of my wisdom teeth need to be removed ASAP. Had another tablet of a different shape a bit later. i’ve been experiencing some pain in that area especially eating harder foods. OP • 1 yr. I also had a cavity in at least one of my wisdom teeth (I thought it was 2 teeth but cannot remember). That's why you always tell your doctors the truth. It is advised to remove wisdom teeth one at a time under local anesthesia (several weeks to months apart) instead of removing them all at once which requires the patient to go under general anesthesia. Where the price difference is $15K versus $5K, for example. Salt Thanks so much for this post, really useful! I'm getting one of my bottom wisdom teeth out under local anaesthetic in January. This is another muddy issue. I'm pretty old (29 M) so I'm not sure how my recovery will go. Reply. people get them removed preventatively too often in a few people’s opinions. I had 4 problem wisdom teeth for years and 2 that were decayed and would abscess a couple of times a year. Usually the best way is to take all 4 of them out in one go, but I understand the finance side. Patients heal and feel better when they eat a normal diet. For reference, I got all four of my wisdom teeth taken out, both bottom ones impacted and the top ones were extremely high up. ago. Unless there are some factors that suggest removing them all at once. That's how I keep my flaps clean hahah. Not all dentists see it the same way. Shortly after they started the operation I had a full blown panic attack, and they were unable to continue. I asked if an MSE was possible and he said yes but that the wisdom extraction would be more beneficial. I'll be undergoing the iv sedation and worried about going under and possibly being out of control upon Same thing obviously goes for removing non-impacted wisdom teeth; doing so should under normal circumstances result in significant loss of bone mass within the maxilla. He said that my 2 impacted and horizontal bottom wisdom teeth are near my nerves, which makes my case difficult and more apt for an oral surgeon to deal with. Waited several weeks, taking T3s because the tooth was still partially dislodged and pulling on the nerve. xg dm ev em dy mg he ui co ic