Quercetin comt reddit

Quercetin comt reddit

I take 500mg 3 or 4 times a day along with Vitamin D K2 and vitamin C . This can cause mood swings, anger and anxiety. I have homozygous DAO mutations and histamine intolerance, several MTHFR defects, and slow COMT. German Chamomile is a natural mast cell stabilizer. " I have MCAS so it would be beneficial but , I’m sure I read somewhere about it not being advised if you have certain genetic snps. Still felt a little wonky yesterday so I used my therawand to massage my PF muscles and they seemed to loosen up. It seems to have a positive modulating function on testosterone. My advice is don’t take quercetin at all if you have slow COMT (Met/Met) for phase 2 methylation. I’ve just started taking Quercetin this week. Crypto Quercetin and bromelain can help with nasal polyps, sinusitis and asthma. Quercetin (3,3′,4′,5,7-pentahydroxyflavone) is the significant illustrative of flavonols, a subclass of flavonoids. I would suggest not taking quercetin and resveratrol and see if your serum estrogens go down. e. I had high hopes for quercetin, but because of a COMT mutation, taking it sends me through the damn roof. First couple of days it was like the pain I take 3x a day 170mg Quercetin (it's mixed with Vitamin C, called Quercefit, pills are 500mg but only 170mg Quercetin in it) Yes and horrible headaches. I am pretty new to Reddit so hopefully I’m in the right place. relieving allergies. About 45% of your total SAMe is used for creatine synthesis, so your need for creatine heavily burdens the methylation cycle. Quercetin safety. Reply reply Jun 11, 2024 · As a supplement, quercetin may be safe if you take reasonable amounts for a short time, such as 500 milligrams twice a day for 12 weeks. Quercetin causes huge histamine attack. Inhibiting Phase II is particularly damaging as the liver works in two phases. r/MCAS. If your “IBS” symptoms are due to a mast cell muencht. The COMT gene plays a powerful role in influencing our behaviour via manipulating your prefrontal cortex cognitive function causing stress reactivity COMT is a methylation gene, which means you can take supplements to support its function. Only took a few capsules of this supplement and literally feel like it might kill me, my stomach has not stopped. dopamine/norepinephrine). EGCG inhibits Peripheral COMT, i think because EGCG does not cross the blood brain barrier (unless this fact has changed). Dr. Im thinking it was an inflammation issue in the gland in turn making my muscles Quercetin treatment also displayed a beneficial effect in immunocompetent mice infected with Mengo virus, where it lessened the severity of organ damage (43). After eight weeks, those who received quercetin reported significantly reduced early morning stiffness, morning pain, and after-activity pain, according to the results. ADMIN MOD. So yeah, if you stop taking it, your mast cells can degranulate inappropriately again. I have two MTHFR mutations, histamine intolerance as well as a fast COMT mutation. jumpychimp. To some extent, bupropion is metabolized by 3A4, but mostly CYP2B6. nih. Taking vitamin C with quercetin will protect quercetin from oxidizing and create safe quercetin metabolites. I use it after anything really, except for tomato sauce or alcohol - these two need a dao supplement and an antihistamin . For instance, Val/Val variation (corresponding to fast COMT activity) is associated [1] with better response to modafinil, compared to Met/Met variation. Share. Quercetin is also a natural MAOI. If you have lower COMT activity you'll want to avoid oleacein, EGCG, and quercetin so you'll have a chance of getting to sleep. Drugs that are metabolized by cyp3a4 fall into two classes, either they are broken down and become inactive, in which case you may need a smaller dose or the half life will be longer. It’s probably just not for everyone. I'd like to propose another possible mechanism involving dopamine, which may be especially relevant for those with the "fast" version of the COMT gene (G/G @ rs4680). gov/31712148/ Alleviative effect of quercetin on rat testis against arsenic: a histological and biochemical study. I feel it helps me with my neuro symptoms and I'm overall less itchy. Just slow down on the caffeine. The COMT enzyme uses SAMe and magnesium to metabolise/break down/inactivate neurotransmitters, stress hormones and plant phytochemicals such as quercetin and caffeine. Magnesium is another important supplement for people with a slow COMT. Not a direct answer to your question but I find I can't drink caffeine after 3PM (at the latest) otherwise it affects my sleep. reducing cancer risk. So my results may not be applicable to everyone, but I have found that my low histamine diet has reduced anxiety and insomnia considerably. Buckwheat tea has a large amount of quercetin. Liposomal Quercetin can Increase Oral Absorption up to 20x. The broken down forms are actually MORE toxic The natural flavone quercetin and isoflavone genistein induced aromatase activity 4- and 2. Very very safe. Jul 23, 2023 · Quercetin users took 500 milligrams (mg) daily. Hi all. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Is Quercetin safe with COMT V158M -/- (GG)? In theory it should increase dopamine, no? Any risk of Both fisetin and especially quercetin are potent COMT inhibitors; are there any other senolytics without this effect? If You have fast one and want to slow there is easy part - many supplements can slow COMT by inhibition (all precursors to dopamine/adrenaline, caffeine, green tee, quercetin etc). 9. But always be aware of the possibility of overstimulation if you have AFS and are very sensitive. However I found an article some time ago stating "not to take 2x500 mg of Quercetin daily for more than 12 weeks. A COMT gene mutation is highly associated with chronic stress and or stress response affecting dopamine norepinephrine and epinephrine via the fight and or flight stress response that we all have. Flavonoids, such as quercetin, are antioxidants. Fast COMT Suggestions: quercetin, EGCG from green tea (dosed any time), tyrosine (dosed in the morning and afternoon). The others are fine to take, and good for you. Suitable-Series5619. Perhaps if you are already high on liver load, or if you have genetically SLOW COMT; quercetin could be inhibiting Phase II detox. I’m hoping to follow Tawinn’s excellent protocol and address the B12 first but might need to do it by eating daily beef liver. My word…. May 7, 2024 · The effect of magnesium on the COMT enzyme. X, quercetin, followed by keampferol and isorhamnetin, appeared to be the most potent DNA damage inducer in uberfunstuff. Use a quercetin supplement with bromelain, or take astragalus with quercetin. Quercetin is a flavonoid with notable pharmacological effects and promising therapeutic potential. Quercetin, Ginseng (leaf extract), Rhodiola, Fisetin, EGCG. In fact, Quercetin is proven to be more effective antiallergic agent than cromolyn sodium. SLC19A1 states to clean the gene: Optimize vitamin D, natural folates (folinic acid and methylfolate) levels. This especially if low functioning PEMT (present) or CHDH (unknown). But like everything with MCAS, it’s not for everyone. gov/33016666/ (Have to click through twice to read the article itself) recently, quercetin for- mulated with sunflower lecithin in a 1:1 weight ratio with a HPlC-measured total That works incredibly well for me. and Ive been using it since I was 16 so about a year. I only feel it when I'm trying to fall asleep, or when I first wake up in the Taking quercetin with slow COMT clearly negatively impacted how my body cleared estrogen which delayed my period a month and then also triggered histamine release. It has helped bring me back into balance when I've been over-methylating and has helped with seasonal allergies, among other things. Rhodiola rosea also inhibits COMT. It also effective in reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. I'm not a very good indicator as if my fatigue levels are impacted because I'm already bedbound lol but I don't seem worse. If you have the COMT mutation, consider the adenosyl/hydroxy form of vitamin B12. I tried taking quercetin starting two weeks ago but cannot get past the upset stomach it gives me. 8. r/Supplements. Plenty of good info and links there. Most COMT inhibitors, the pharmaceutical ones, appear to lack much BBB penetration. The data indicate that quercetin is the major neuroprotective component in coffee Quercetin it’s a selective a7 nicotinic receptor agonist/potentiator maybe it’s like the short withdrawal by brief exposure to nicotine. ”. 2g ALCAR. In those with slow COMT, quercetin might not help as much. I'm a 19 year old male of European descent. The activity of catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) is not impaired by high doses of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) in vivo. Expand user menu Open settings menu. Well poop. If it doesn’t work or worsens things— then I wouldn’t waste the money. Reply reply. Quercetin is anti inflammatory. However, COMT activity was significantly increased by 24% after I love quercetin, most of the time it stops a reaction after I eat something "forbidden" like mature cheese. -> Anhedonia 60% better. Closest thing I've found is Quercetin potentially combined with Vitamin E, which enhances Quercetin to better My vaccine day stack is Benadryl, Famotidine, NAC, Vitamin C and vitamin B2 and a few days of Quercetin wont kill you. • 3 days ago. Interestingly, Que is effective prophylactically, while cromolyn must be added together with the trigger or it rapidly loses its effect. On top of this most source who say to take these two together for preventative measures quercetin, a flavonoid constituent of Ginkgo biloba, showed a higher potential to interact with topoisomerase II (Topo II) than did the other Ginkgo biloba constituents Moreover, as measured by the Comet assay and the induction of γ-H2A. Quercetin is best for me at 500mg daily (250 x 2) to tamp down inflammation. SupernovaPhleb. 5-fold induction, respectively, at 10 μM. In addition, the bioflavonoid quercetin may also tie up COMT activity. 450 mg glycine. -> More motivation. => agitation, anxiety, palpitations, irritability etc not for everyone indeed When you quit it, you start feeling better again Quercetin, grapefruit etc make it even slower - In actual fact I think these things destroy cyp3a4 enzyme then you create some more later. Like SAMe, magnesium is also a cofactor for the COMT enzyme—it also attaches to COMT to help it function properly. Not every product, but Now foods , two capsules work form me. I am having quite a bit of anxiety lately and am wondering if I may be taking something that is aggravating it. To make an actual comparison, you'd have to know the legitimate absorption rate of regular Quercetin. Athletes supplemented with quercetin are protected from stress-induced susceptibility to upper respiratory tract infection (44)—which was not related to immunomodulation (45, 46). The most helpful are: B vitamins, particularly B2, B6, B9, and B12. • 3 yr. Taken longer, the risks are unknown. In addition to the colonic microbiome, I believe the second biggest area of medical research for gut issues will be mast cells, many of which are located in the gut lining. Yes, I have slow COMT and salicylate intolerance. Latley my prostatitis has been giving me a really hard time peeing so I decided to 2x-3x my normal dose and it got rid of that stretched/swollen feeling and made it easier to pee. macamc1983. Thus, COMT is essential in protecting cells, including brain cells, from oxidative stress. Quercetin-loaded liposomes are able to penetrate the cell membrane bilayer, allowing the pure quercetin to be effectively ushered into the gut for ease of absorption. Such as quercetin. Effects of Astragalus polysaccharide on the solubility and stability of 15 flavonoids. One of the best things is magnesium and methyl groups! But you also want to avoid anything that slows down COMT like flavonoids (berry’s etc) and quercetin! Also bear this is mind when altering your levels. Study below indicates astragalus increases solubility of quercetin and other flavonoids. Based on the studies results, quercetin's toxicity seems to not be blatant and gets significant only throughout time, the main factor for that being the accumulation of quercetin in tissues. "Quercetin in a delivery-food grade system with sunflower phospholipids increases its oral absorption up to 20-fold. Ultimately you have to treat the root cause of your HI. NMN and NR would not have any effect on serum estrogens, as far as I know. 6 Share. Oxidized quercetin forms quinones. Quercetin among other things has strong mast cell stabilizing properties. For what else it can be used for look at these PubMed studies . My understanding is that this might be caused by quercetin's inhibitory effect on the COMT enzyme. Resveratrol blunts the positive effects of exercise training on cardiovascular health in aged men : Sirtuin 1 protein levels were not affected by resveratrol supplementation. I have slow comt and have found that some supplements really set my anxiety levels high. reducing inflammation. You would think that Quercetin, being a natural product, would be safe to use even long-term. COMT is a required enzyme for Phase II liver detox. I saw also somewhere only like 7%. Quercetin although working for my allergies, screwed me up over time. 3 promoter-specific aromatase transcripts. Had a horrible horrible reaction to Quercetin with bromelain. This is where Indena’s use of a delivery system based on food-grade lecithin offers a solution: According to data published in European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics the Quercetin Phytosome (Quercefit) proved to be up to 20-fold more bioavailable. I got this gene variant. 12. Could look at MOA inhibitors too as they do a similar thing to COMT inhibitors. Quercetin is an adenosine antagonist, like caffeine, so take it in the morning. Highly recommend! Quercetin and Insomnia. Must take a deeper look into this - gotta take a look into the effects of Resveratrol on COMT too. My understanding is that people that have a slow COMT don’t react well to quercetin as it further slows the COMT enzyme. I have the COMT mutation and am hesitant to try quercetin because of it. Whoever got the AA variant of the rs4680 SNP got around 4x slower COMT activity, which is not so good when using quercetin cause it slows COMT even further. As mentioned, Quercetin is present in many foods (even in significant amounts), notably onions (especially red onions). Been trialing ND’s Quercetin as it’s a wonderful flavonoid with many benefits to health like most flavonoids but uniquely has a more positive relationship with testosterone where as a lot of flavonoids are noted to decrease testosterone in some way. Still, I didn't find any info on whether they interact with each other, and the doctor who put me on montelukast has, somehow, never heard of quercetin, so she has no clue what to say about this combination. It is found in many plants and foods, such as red wine, onions, green tea, apples, berries, Ginkgo biloba, St. I generally recommend supplementing with magnesium at a minimum of around 400 mg per day. Does anyone know? I need to take some methylated b vits but reacting at the Mo so I’m just taking magnesium glycinate plus antihistamines. It was what triggered a major flare for me with no period for 2 months and chronic hives. I have been looking into this and couldn't find too many conversations online with good answers. Take with a little coconut or olive oil for better absorption. The stomach pain is sort of weird. " It can cause headaches and tingling of extremities. The Choline Calculator suggests 8 eggs a I interpreted this statement "I have a higher COMT gene compared to the average human being" in your OP to mean higher COMT activity. Take a look at the sticky in the main sub. See this article for many good suggestions. Actually Quercetin is very versatile substance, good for general health. They have very different roles. 2g Potassium citrate. Fisetin has no known effect on serum estrogens. It will “slow down” your COMT as it metabolised by the enzyme as well. The study you linked is more to do with inhibiting COMT, which exacerbated Business, Economics, and Finance. 1. Plus low Vit D and high homocysteine so there’s lots to work on. Quercetin apparently can slow COMT activity but individual responses can COMT gene (rs4680 aka Val158Met) polymorphism is related to breakdown of catecholamins (e. Problem with quercetin is the poor half life and poor bioavailability. Cromolyn. I take it 30 min before eating. 5 mg l-methylfolate. It helps in fighting some nasty diseases like breast and pancreatic cancers. Wondering whether quercetin would be even more effective. Archived post. Within a few minutes of taking it, I began to itch all over the body and the tip of my tongue felt numb. Sweats, nausea, fatigue, nightmares, anxiety, actually hard to believe a supplement can do this. Yes i have a slow COMT. . Quercetin is also a cytochrome P450 inhibitor. After exposure to toxin containing glial-stimulated conditioned medium, we also found that quercetin reduced oxidative/nitrative damage to DNA, as well as to the lipids and proteins of SH-SY5Y cells. It's not quercetin. Quercetin is a mast cell stabilizer. Long term daily Quercetin (3 years, continued) I've been taking quercetin daily for the past 3 years, usually at a dosage of 250-500mg, with very few days off (maybe 1 day a month). You could also try Quercetin, it is very powerful in my opinion, I also have fast COMT and it did make a difference I just couldn’t sustained it for long periods so stopped, but maybe it could work for you. Day 5 of Quercetin. Has anyone (especially With COMT) taken quercetin and then had any sort of rebound the next day? Feeling sluggish and depressed. Sort by: EGCG + Bromantane = GOD. nlm. Online sources referring to this variation usually recommend supplements Yeah, for whatever reason it takes them 167 mg of Quercetin total to attain 50 mg that's absorbable in their production process. Side effects Jan 24, 2019 · 2. I have rs4680 GG and a few other polymorphisms that should speed up my COMT. 1mg b12 (methyl + adeno) 100 mg P-5-P. There was a resultant increase in [GSH]i in SH-SY5Y cells. Has anyone had success with other natural mast cell stabilizers? I am already on 2 mg Ketotifen a day but my allergist is hesitant to bump me higher. For example I’m being recommended quercetin to deal with inflammation, but my understanding is that as an MAO and COMT inhibitor, it could make problems worse for certain people. I took a 500mg Quercetin capsule with zinc this morning with food after hearing how much It has helped people with histamine intolerance. Quercetin is a good, typical, example of a polyphenol antioxidant. Aeontologist • 4 yr. Initially, I started at 500 mg 2x a day, dropped down to 1x a day, then to half a pill (250 mg) but still experienced stomach issues. Almost no side effects. Methods: In prophylaxis group supplementation containing 500mg of Quercetin, 500mg of vitamin C and 50mg of Bromelain (QCB) was initiated daily in 2 divided doses for 71 healthcare workers working in areas with high risk of COVID-19, QuantumSurge321. As well as noted to be great for allergy sensitivity. What result did you get at rs1799836 (MAO-B)? Maybe you can consider: Uridine Monophosphate (sublingually, otherwise you'd need 7-10x as much) Fish oil (triple strength to get ~600mg DHA per 2-3g) Apr 27, 2023 · The COMT enzyme plays an essential role in maintaining neurotransmitter levels at the right amount. •. How quercetin works for POIS is thought to be through stabilizing mast cells and reducing histamine release. Beneficial effects of quercetin on sperm parameters in streptozotocin‐induced diabetic male rats. It slows down the enzyme responsible for breaking down catecholamines such as dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, and oestrogen. It is because they act as natural antihistamines, antiallergics, and anti-inflammatory agents. As a fast COMT Val/Val, I find L-theanine (from green tea) seems to help. 3g creatine. After 2 days I felt a difference. Compounds like quercetin and caffeine can clog up the COMT enzyme if its activity is impacted by mutations or low magnesium levels If you have a COMT gene mutation Quercetin may not be an appropriate thing for you to take. I am going to try molybdenum. It just helps calm your mast cells down. For what it's worth, I have "average" COMT activity (i. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I have a major history of mental disorders for which I've been seeing psychiatrists for years and identified COMT to be a great target. But…I am salicylate sensitiv/allergic so it is not surprising I do poorly on it. DAO is supplemental and increases an chemical that reduces histamine in the gut. For developmental and functional reasons, I want something specific enough. On the contrary, RSVhigh significantly increased total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and fructosamine levels compared with placebo. g. People use quercetin as a medicine. Antioxidants can neutralize free radicals. This coincided with increased intracellular cAMP concentrations and increased levels of the cAMP-dependent pII and to a lesser extent 1. Keep an eye on if you possibly become too stimulated or energized. . Jan 19, 2024 · Possible health benefits of quercetin include: fighting free radicals. My main symptoms are severe insomnia and palpitations. It has beneficial properties against general mechanisms of AD etiology in a variety of in vitro and in vivo models. I take 1200-1600/day (400 at meals and before bed) 1 pill of Integrative Therapeutic's Isoquercetin, every other form pales in bio-availability comparatively. Edit: the way I see it is that with a COMT +/- mutation we might be actually balanced. Maybe you don't need to increase MAO-A (people supplement to lower MAO-A levels). Current supplements: 8. Quercetin really is amazing. That your stress hormones hang around longer but so do your pleasure hormones. That said, I took quercetin for about 6 weeks in fall and that’s when the MCAS was on fire again with chronic hives and swelling. QuickVegetable4158. The histamine intolerance makes taking supplements a real challenge. It seems that quercetin and luteolin slow down COMT function :/ bummer. Also red apple peels and wine (especially red wine). Discussion. Reply. Experience. I'll check Rhodiola. Much to read and probably pretty important for safety reasons. All that gets mixed in my electrolyte drink. • 4 yr. John's wort, American elder, and others. It is widely distributed among plants and found commonly in our daily diet, such as in fruits and vegetables. I looked into my genetics and it turns out I’m MTHFR and slow COMT. Another thing that works is 2 tablespoons of castor oil about two weeks before allergy season, on the northeast that's around April 15th. 3. Yes, there are better COMT inhibitors out there. Could quercetin exacerbate bupropion side effects? I take 500mg x 2 quercetin a day for mast cell activation syndrome and am on bupropion, I love the… Quercetin belongs to a group of plant pigments called flavonoids that give many fruits, flowers, and vegetables their colors. 14. Yes, I have read about this and it is real. This is the main part that can create side effects in certain individuals. reducing the risk of neurological diseases. Based on my individual variations it seems like I should avoid quercetin, but if the combination does act like COMT -/- then it seems like it could help. https://pubmed. MembersOnline. You need to get tested. Also, quercetin seems to inhibit CYP3A4. Racing mind before bed will be the result of further slowing COMT. Quercetin is a strong COMT inhibitor. These findings indicate that, whereas Supposedly, quercetin is a COMT inhibitor. I started taking quercetin and I believe it has helped histamine as well as some mood improvement. Today I dosed my usual 50mg sublingual Bromantane as always, but paired it with 800mg EGCG which I know is dopamine decarboxylase inhibitor and COMT inhibitor. You apparently aren’t supposed to take quercetin with slow COMT. You don't become dependent on it. Title basically says it all, been taking one quercetin+bromelain pill per day for a few years. It set off a whole chain of events for me I think, unsure. • 1 yr. reducing the I have been taking 500 MG of quercetin phytosome daily for the last three weeks, and during that time my sleep has steadily deteriorated. I also felt the esophagus congested. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. Besides that quercetin has been studied for many many years in its utility to protect against smoke inhalation, aging, bone density loss, neurodegeneration, hepatotoxicity etc. Quercetin, a type of flavonoids called flavonols, has received significant consideration in view of its overwhelming existence in herbs and food [31,32 So, taking those two will probably increase your serum estrogens. I have found it gives me an upset stomach and makes me flushed and hot and overall feel pretty gross for about an hour after I take it. I also cycle after 6 wks, off one week. Yes, being active in nuerons is very important. Most important is to improve methylation. Chemistry and Therapeutic Journey of Quercetin and Related Derivatives. 2. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Way overstimulating - followed by what feels like some sort of crash. Hello everyone. With the virus going around I have my parents taking Zinc, as well as Quercetin (since quercetin helps more zinc get inside cells to fight infections). Curcumin, quercetin, methylb12, theaninehaha, whoops? I really thought I was feeling better healthwise but emotionally I have been a hot wreck. It has been truly remarkable in alleviating my migraines—I haven't had one since I started using it. Holy moly! I haven't felt this good in years! Decided to try some after I read about it online. Kaempferol, fisetin and myricetin can also act in similar ways. Not sure what side effects I should get with the COMT mutation. Yes, Quercetin has helped reduce my hives over the last week by about 85 percent. This includes addressing MTHFR, MTR, B12 and folate status, and other SNPs not shown on Genetic Genie. Ingestion of 750mg EGCG did not result in impairment of COMT activity. Without the COMT-controlled methylation reaction, catecholamines can accumulate and generate free radicals, which can damage DNA. I’m looking at trying some natural mast cell Fast COMT, Slow MAOA & Plenty of MCAS. If you are estrogen dominant, consider supplementing DIM, I3C, calcium-d-glucarate to reduce excess estrogen. Quercetin gives me a terrible headache. I've used quercetin for a long of fast COMT clients and never had a toxicity issue. ncbi. I’m surprised by its effectiveness. Basically, This can be additionally problematic for people who already have mutations that reduce their clearance (COMT etc) but even for normal individuals, given enough time on quercetin, or in the presence of other things affecting neurotransmitters (caffeine, alcohol, etc) it can lead to some pretty disastrous build-ups. I feel GREAT. I’ve been struggling with figuring out what supplements I can use to aid the methylation cycle in my case, looking for some guidance. -> Positive, happy mood (none of 200 nootropics I tried gave me this kind of feeling) I take hibiscus extract or butterfly pea powders for their quercetin and quercetin-analogues like anthocyanins, and usually add a little vitamin C. Your post led me to look into my own COMT status andmy ENTIRE STACK is the list of stuff I/we shouldn't be taking, fellow worrier. Quercetin is a plant pigment (flavonoid). ago. (the average half life of caffeine is around 5 hours so maybe Quercetin works great, especially in combination with vitamin c 3,000mg and holy basil capsules. COMT breaks down anything with a catechol structure, therefore it is best to avoid substances that will tie up the COMT enzyme and thereby leave less available to breakdown epinephrine, estrogen, dopamine, etc. Creatine, glutathione and magnesium. my alleles are heterozygous). Apologies if I'm using stereotypes, but the Chinese population seem to have higher rates of this genetic polymorphism and drink a fair amount of green tea. Vitamin C reduces blood histamine. If You have slow one (I have both COMT V158M+/+ and COMT H62H+/+ mutations) there only options are: decrease catecholamine levels (no coffee), no supplements which Two possibilities to help increase bioavailability. Its also an MAOi, COMT and CYP inhibitor. 🤔. One source said 0-50%. Quercetin (though it also inhibits MAO-B) inhibits COMT. Quercetin users also had reduced markers of inflammation compared to those in the placebo group. However this study (fairly recent) says it does not and may enhance COMT. So out of 500 mg, that would only be 35 mg actual absorption. They scavenge particles in the body known as free radicals which damage cell membranes, tamper with DNA, and even cause cell death. For slow COMT, you want to avoid any supplements that are considered methyl donors as overwhelming the pathway with too many methyls can cause a rise and fall in dopamine levels. There is a direct relationship between estrogen and histamine. Some methyl donors include methyl B12, TMG, SAME, L Theanine and Choline. In the presence of protein thiol groups, these quercetin-quinones will form toxic compounds that go on to exert pro-oxidant effects and cause damage throughout the body. I've never experienced a stimulant effect from quercetin and I've taken it in high amounts both AM and PM in the past. I feel like quercetin helps montelukast work even better. id ch qz vp xs bg hf yy cu iq