It's a smoke and mirrors trick to get some older adults to think their new fad diet is having some sort of magical effect when they start out. However it is proven that simple carbs consumed post workout will restore glycogen to the muscles much faster, which can be crucial for athletes training multiple times in a day. Carbs with fructose (table sugar/sucrose, raw fructose, or HFCS) versus carbs I eat chipotle at least 3 times a week. Your insulin receptors are especially sensitive post workout. I love popcorn post-workout. Person this would be around 300 grams of carbs within 4 hours. After the session I would consume a smaller meal with more focus on protein and carbs, simply to not be super full during sleep. Post workout carbs can help by way of proper insulin response in regards to absorbing maximum amino acids for muscle rebuilding, BUT again I work out in the evening when I can, so I like to save most of my calories for my post-workout, which includes 2 cups of oats (each with a scoop of whey), 5 oz chicken breast w/5 oz veggies, 1 cup cottage cheese with 16g peanut butter, and a greek yogurt. I think you'll get a whole bunch of "IIFYM" replies, but I hope somebody can speak to the hormonal effects of simple vs complex carbs post workout. However, if there are no carbs to use for energy, THEN your body will use fat and THEN protein after there is no fat. Eat ground meat (beef/pork) with an avocado puree. Sep 14, 2018 · Assuming you do just one hardcore workout a day, you can replace the carbs you burned up exercising by consuming 0. All low carb and minimal calories. Lifts 2-3 times/week (low volume, high intensity) Does cardio 2-3 times/week (alternating periods of walking and jogging [not sprinting]) Eats 50-100g carbs/day (some fruit but mostly vegetables) Eats at least 1g protein/lb bodyweight/day. 4:1 ratio carbs to protein within 20 min of finishing the ride for maximum muscle glycogen replenishment. It is more expensive per serving generally though. One post workout and one before I go to Personally, the only time I eat simple carbs is half a banana in my post workout shake. When cutting this is the way to go. Simple versus complex carb is largely a meaningless distinction. You're supposed to take high GI foods combined with protein within 20 to 30 minutes of a work out. It's one of those things that's nice to have for the more demanding sessions. In an interview, he gave an example of what normally eat: Around 500 kcal: 50-60g carb (veggies/potatoes), 40-50g protein (lean meat), and a large apple. 1 egg (not raw or close to raw) a bit of salt and pepper. I also read that a quick carb right after a workout is preferable. As a former baseball player, I can attest to the value of Gatorade in preventing fatigue, headaches, etc. Intra-workout supplements is as relevant as sugar water. However, after researching around, there seems to be evidence that the effect of simple carbs vs no carbs in the post workout shake is so slight that it doesn't even matter. I prefer to workout in a fasted state, consuming only one or two scoops of Cellucor's C4 about 20-30 minutes before I begin. So for 150 lb. 80% of your gains come from 20% of what you do. Importantly, this sub is not for people to request or provide ANY dietary, nutritional or medical advice. Both carbs and protein pre or post workout are proven to increase synthesis. If you are looking for a liquid MRP shake then something like sweet potato powder or blended oats/oat powder would be my first option. according to Alan Aragon, low-GI is probably just as good), but it's more of I generally workout out before my last meal of the day after I get off work and I’m curious what is everyone’s go to post workout meal? I’m a bit confused though because just about every bodybuilder I talk to says you got to have carbs post work out to grow muscle however I thought the purpose of keto was zero to little carbs? Genr8 Vitargo or Karbolyn are the supreme kings of workout carbs. Also, assuming you're bodybuilding (because of this sub-reddit A normal meal with protein, fats, carbs (starchy glucose carbs) is going to be the best option. Magnesium before bed can help too in terms of sleep quality and soreness. For fasted workouts, protein with carb immediately after then a meal 3 hrs later if possible. Eats 75-100g protein after lifting. Make sure you eat a varied diet, it helps in general: for bulking: pre: real food . No, your body has no idea about time. Metabolic Syndrome is highly correlated with obesity anyways. This way all the carbs are utilized efficiently. Post-workout is the best time for nutrient absorption. I plan to have 40-50g of carb on my lifting days post workout. The breads label says 11g carbs, but has 10g dietary fiber, so 1 gram net. Post workout meal should make up 20% of your caloric intake for the day. Optimal is probably having a big meal (carb heavy but balanced) 3 hours before, simple carb snack/drink 1 hour before, 50-100g carbs/hour while training, then post-training a 3:1 carbs:protein (or 4:1) shake. Obviously this doesn't account for super long workouts where you want some fast acting carbs mid workout to sustain. Paying attention to macros and protein intake will help keep muscle and get rid of fat. If it’s a particularly intense workout glycogen synthase will be most active up to 30mins post workout and will trail off after that (that’s not saying that having regular food hours later won’t do anything it just won’t be as effective). Unless you mean the minimal carbs they get they eat before,during and after their workout. That is meal timing, pre-post nutrition, supplements, gym frequency, Yada Yada. The 80/20 rule applies here. Water is your mid-workout. Personally I eat about 200g kiwi before my post workout protein meal Triabolical_. My advice is to have a can on deck and only take it when you 'need' that bump to go to the gym. Lookwhosarockstar. The large amounts of glucose/high-GI carbs are probably not necessary (i. Welcome to r/ScientificNutrition! This subreddit has been created to serve as a neutral ground for exchanging and discussing scientific evidence relating to human nutrition. In terms of what you eat post-workout, a glass of apple juice is more quickly digested and broken down into glucose as opposed to the actual apple which also has fiber, slowing down digestion. I tend to favor a two-a-day workout schedule, and I've tried manipulating carbs in all sorts of ways. Glycogen levels are the same after about 24hrs without the post workout simple carbs (as long as same amount of carbs were consumed in that day). My post workout meal is always the same. Of course there are bulking powders which have carbs and protien which are fine, but carbs are generally pretty easy to get in your diet anyways and post workout there is a ton of food that can be eaten which will give you the carbs you need before and after your workout. You want glucose. So if you're training once a day there might be some very very small benefits Posted by u/zbaleh - 3 votes and 14 comments 1 cup of oatmeal cooked in water, finished with a splash of milk and 2 tblspoons Peanut Butter. Something light like couple pita pockets with hummus and tabouli would probably suffice. 5 grams of protein per bodyweight and about . [6] But if you do more than one workout per day, consume the carbs within about an hour of the end of your workout. broratio. Additionally it can make sense to have multiple (3-4) meals throughout the day to spike MPS (Muscle Protein Synthesis) more often. That way, your body will have a chance to Generally you want to avoid powders with lots of filler. Overnight oats is the perfect breakfast. I typically ingest 40-50 grams of carbohydrates per meal, including breakfast, lunch, and the aforementioned pre-workout fruit snack. In order to understand Martin's choices of macronutrients, let me elaborate on what's going on in your body prior to breaking the fast. Calculate the amount of calories you need to cut and then eat 1-1. Eat whenever suits. Roll the shit out of it for ages, or use a pasta machine. I have been told… Protein synthesis isn't a myth. 242 lb squats 280lb deadlifts 176lb bench 66lb curls 100lb over head press and finish off with 3x300 meter sprints and 1 mile jog i hit the gym 6 days a week in the morning and on monday, Wednesdays and saturday i do boxing training in the evening which includes high intensity cardio,enudurance training and plyometrics along with some sparring I eat the bulk of my carbohydrates pre- and post-workout. gamerchick_37. 20g of highly branched cyclic dextrin and 5g of straight glucose. • 5 yr. Karbolyn is almost of the same quality and is a bit cheaper. This is sleeping 8 hours, eating enough calories/protein, and training (progressive overload with enough volume). Maximize the protien, as this is its main focus. The second one is protein, so if you don’t eat enough carbs, some muscle and a lot of that protein you’re eating to build muscles will go towards energy, not building muscle. 2 grams if you're closer to 4 hours from the workout, and 0. So I recently read in a subreddit that some people eat things like frosted flakes, honey Graham's, sweet tarts, Smarties and the like post workout for carbs. Post-workout: 50 grams of whey, 75-100 grams of glucose, 2 grams of beta-alanine, and 5 grams of creatine within 30 minutes. I use raw brown sugar and unflavoured protein, for the taste and convenience. Usually low fat. You don't need post workout carbs at all unless you're doing two-a-days or you're doing a diet with full blown calorie partitioning, like cheat mode. In terms of quantity, you are aiming at 1 gram of carbs per one kg of weight; 0. From what I remember from my kinesiology class, your body prefers carbs as it's energy source. Pre-workout: Helps you put on rage face before you go lift. On the first day, carb calories make up 70% of daily caloric consumption, protein 15% and fat 15%. You're not spiking your insulin in a damaging way during these times. Carbs are your body’s preferred source of energy, by a mile. If you include carbs with your post-workout meal, however, insulin levels will rise faster and remain elevated longer. “The data does not show that we have this 30-minute window anymore, either,” adds Kleiner. If multiple bouts of training or performance will happen sooner together, for instance hours apart, then carbs have a time-dependent recovery role. Ultra-marathon runners use it to power them through. The rest of your calories will come from carbs. Anything less and you might as well not even use insulin - the only "increased" recovery you'll get is because you're suddenly paying strict attention to how many carbs/protein you eat after your workout. That's kind of a different thing than the whole post workout protein idea. It’s important to eat fruits like these within 2h post workout and prior to having a shake or meal (with protein). It'll be different based on whatever bread you use! Complex carbohydrates in the form of a meal 1. So if you take dextrose post workout you will restore muscle glycogen more quickly. use 00 flour, nothing else will work as well. It just adds like an hour of growth onto 24 hours so its not that big of a deal compared to IIFYM. Glucose is a simple carb, and most complex carbs are starches, which are just chains of glucose molecules that are easily broken down in our digestive systems into glucose. You're probably fine. I just read a study that showed that a protein shake pre-workout may be more beneficial than one post-workout (I can't find it at the moment, but if you want me to, I can investigate). . The reason is simple, carbs during your workout fuel your workout, then anything leftover in your stomach/digestive track/bloodstream becomes post. Raw eggs and cottage cheese mixed in with a low carb protein powder. Research. I’ve also been hella strong when I ate rice Krispy treats (the 90 cal ones) as a post wod snack. •. If you have the $ add Biotest Indigo 3G. Unpopular opinion but best post workout is chocolate milk. However, taking in carbohydrates/protein pre-workout (or even during your workout) can be beneficial too. But carbs are anabolic! Gimme now! People. a lot of people still believe in post-workout simple carbs for optimal 'gains' and I'm now under the impression that that is no longer considered an ideal method among many experts/professionals. One study showed that the ingestion of a mixed meal containing 75 grams carbs, 37 grams protein, and 17 grams fat resulted in an elevation of insulin levels for more than five hours. The likelihood that your body has 0 carbs and 0 fat to use as an energy source if pretty unlikely . Eat some meat before your workout if you’re concerned. Sugar (sucrose) is about 50/50 fructose/sucrose. You're talking a baked potato and a couple pieces of fruit. For example, after a session at the gym I'll have 50g of brown rice and quinoa (half a packet of seeds of change quinoa). Delicious. 25-0. Both will provide one with approximately 40 gr of protein and 100gr of carbs (the second meal will also add 5gr of fat). fat from peanut butter is ok but just slows down digestion slightly. 5-2 hrs before a workout should be sufficient to give you enough carbs to work. Azreel777. for cutting: drop the shake and jsut have post-post after training. Assume that the workout lasted 1 to 1 1/2 hours and targeted half the body (lower-upper body split). The rest of your nutrition is not very dependent on timing assuming remotely normal intake. If an individual is lifting heavy, I would NEVER recommend any less than 150 grams of carbs on training days, consumed around the workout. + EAA's and some pink salt. Post-workout you're more likely to store simple carbs as muscles glycogen. Simple carbohydrate I would reserve for after a workout. Yes, about 30 minutes before working out, I consume a banana and an orange, which significantly boost my energy stores. But given the time it takes for protein to digest and become usable it's probably more the protein you had before the workout that ends up used by your muscles. whey has around 8% leucine, which is one of/if not the most effective supplement for stimulating muscle growth and repair. Preferably I’d drink the shake during workout then also eat after. mckerrow. But in the pursuit of fat loss when approaching goal weight, types of calories very often matter. Maltodextrin would be acceptable but not preferable. My main reason for going to the gym is to lose weight, so I lift and run 2-3 days a week. 50 grams of carbs per pound of body weight after your workout. I personally always aim for about 60g protein after a workout whether it’s a protein shake or a couple servings of chicken. That being said, preworkout carbohydrate intake can lessen mobilized cortisol (less catabolic effects on the body) and can contribute to the "pump" as you are ensuring full glycogen stores in the muscles. This is one of the more common sugars used in post workout shakes. Reply. Whey protein shake with double cream. post: whey and hi GI carb (waxy maize is scientifically the best, but dextrose and some others are close behind) post-post: 60-90 minutes after post shake, have a meal similar to pre. If you had a big meal with adequate protein prior to a workout, the post workout meal is not as important. Glycogen is the storage form of glucose. Not sure if there have been any cardio studies. Post-Workout Fat Consumption. Ideal protein intake is >20g high quality protein every 3 hrs for optimal muscle protein synthesis. The entire point of PWO carbs is to replenish glycogen. But that won't be a universal 2:1, 3:1, etc ratio either as the needs will vary. In the morning after fasting and after workouts; those are the best times to have simple sugars. I eat my biggest meal post workout, eating 2 meals a day, but eat 20g protein bars every 2-4 hours between meals and instead of breakfast i eat a 40g protein bar. Jun 7, 2024 · Refueling Your Efforts. Research shows that long-term keto has a negative affect on bone and muscle density. After my 1 hr workout, I go home and eat giant meal consisting of chicken breast and some sort of carb (brown rice/whole wheat tortilla/wheat toast/sweet potato). Taking more than 20-30g of carbs will knock you out of ketosis no matter when you time it. It is composed of glucose molecules strung together in long strings with numerous branches. 25g carb and . A little salt, spritz of butter spray and garlic powder and it's heaven (I sometimes sub out the garlic powder for cinnamon if I don't want to repeal vampires that day). Simple/liquid is better due to absorption. See whey protein. But what we do know is protein DEFINITELY benefits muscle recovery. According to broscience you need a protein shake pre-workout to stay anabolic and a 50/50 carb/protein shake post-workout so that the carbs can "shuttle" the protein into the muscles. Read the FAQ, TKD (pre workout carbs) How long have you been on keto? If you prefer to eat your 20-30 net grams before/after a workout that's fine but in general it's best to stay with SKD until your body adapts and you are at an appropriate body fat and training level to incorporate carbs (read: if you want to eat carbs pre/post workout don't necessarily increase your total carbs for the day) A few weeks ago I read This article on eating carbs immediately post-workout specifically gummy bears in this case. Carbohydrates are a necessity; in moderation. 5 container of egg beaters in the microwave with 5 pepper blend seasoning, add a slice of cheese. There's some serious psychological conditioning in the fitness world going on, no doubt by supplement companies pushing "pre-workout", "mid-workout", and "post-workout" crap for $$$, backed up by junk science. If you want to eat fruity pebbles, and they fit in your calorie load, eat them. Award. Anything in that 3-4 hour average window will do just fine. You are vastly overthinking this. I really avoid gluten and my body seems to be lovin it. The answer: you want to replenish your carbs + protein up to 2 hours after a workout for maximum benefits (replace muscle and liver glycogen stores I'm personally going to try carb cycling while doing PSMF. especially in extremely hot weather. In my experience, you really only need preworkout carbs before a cardio session unless you're on a very intense cut. Pierre. actually my workouts are that intense well almost. ago. 30 (At the five-hour mark, when researchers In "the time crunched cyclist" by Chris Carmichael (former Lance Armstrong coach and founder of CTS) he recommends 0. 20% comes from 80% of what you do. This is like 5 or 6 days of a strict ketogenic diet, followed by 1-2 day (s) of carb-up. Stomach cramping will do way more damage to performance than not having pre-workout carbs. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 25g pro per lb of bodyweight. From what I’ve read, high GI carbs and a good serving of protein is what’s required. Here is my (admittedly anecdotal) experience: I feel better- I honestly feel less wiped after a tough workout I always recommend intra over post when talking about carbohydrate supplements. Really noticed the difference in my post workout cardio (3-4 mile run 3 days a week) plus it's just something tasty to sip on. Dextrose is a good choice, however, some users find that they have a spill over effect that results in fat gain, so that makes more of an individual choice as you would have to test it and assess the results. So yes, it can help. Nov 13, 2020 · It has a rating of 96 for a 50 gram portion. Quick carbs, some protein. Reply reply. 15-20g of glucose prior to working out. 5 grams of protein for 1 kg of weight. I’ve just got back into going to the gym and I’m trying to loose some fat and gain muscular strength (most generic gym goal ever). Kiwi, apricots and pineapple help transport proteins into the muscle. Waffles, maple syrup & a protein shake. Both meals are to be consumed 20 minutes post work-out. He seems to be talking about TKD (Targeted Keto Diet). I use 4 scoops in my post-workout shake for a total of 16 grams carbs. Post workout, get extra beans and chicken. You are going to look smaller because you went 8+ hours without eating and you are probably dehydrated from having to pee sporadically throughout the night. Of course carbs are important before your next workout after you finish a current one, to replenish glycogen. Stored glycogen is your pre-workout. Carb - White Rice and lots of green veg - rice is usually about 125-175g cooked weight depending on calories I have left. During the workout, your main fuel source is glycogen from the muscles. Beer = quick carbs/calories/sugar. But the science is starting to lean that if you are eating a balanced 5 meals spaced 3-4 hours apart a day, the necessity for post workout carbs really isn't that insane. 1. Mexican and Margaritas for my post 40 miler today. Roughly 580 calories, 50C/23F/43P. Eat well, sleep well, increase your calorie intake (especially key if you are adding days to your schedule), do a ~20 minute full body roll out daily, take a hot bath a couple times a week, start getting regular massages, take a "deload" week every 4-6 weeks where you scale all Simple carbs in fruits are high in glycogen and spike your insulin ex. I eat just one giant 1400 calorie meal a day (17 oz chicken and 5-6 tortillas), but I'm thinking of splitting that into two meals of 700 each. Coconut water to drink alongside is a good idea too. There are so many comments that explain this discrepancy, read further next time please. On non-lifting days I'll have my carbs only from broccoli. You may need to refuel part way if you're doing an endurance event (this is why marathoners use gels and sports drinks). 150 g isn't much. To answer your original question then yes, Bananas are an excellent PWO carb, as long as they are ripe. I didn't subtract dietary fiber from the carb count on the bread. The reason for eating carbs before working out is to keep stable blood sugar levels. There was a study done somewhere in Scandinavia, I think Holland, that showed that MPS effects were still increased up to 72 hours after a workout. Just what the ACSM says. For bulking up, the nutritonal value is fine. But I see conflicting information on having carbs postworkout, particularly simple carbs like dextrose, specifically with protein cause it helps with an insulin spike to increase muscle synthesis. I bought a couple bags of them and kept a bag in my gym bag and will have a couple handfuls on my way home from the gym. 5-2 grams carbs per pound of body weight pre workout. This sounds great but realistically is only significantly beneficial if you're training multiple times a day. Martin recommends carbohydrates pre-workout. Obviously lowered on rest days. The best post workout supplement is food Recovery is not in post workout supplements it's in taking quality rest. If you can't eat all this in the morning, eat some of it in the evening before (leave at least 1 fuit, 1 veg, 1 meat, yoghurt and oats for morning) Right before it starts (10+ mins before), eat another banana. This was a lifting study however. Casein Protein - some say it's even better for muscle building than whey - it digests more slowly so it's good for rebuilding muscle overnight. For just post-workout recovery purposes, go with 10-15 iu post-workout only. Anti-broscience says that it doesn't matter so long as you hit your daily goal because nothing digests until hours later anyway. Glycogen stores and ketones will fuel my workout for the most part. I also won't refeed during my time doing this. Post-workout carbs only benefit in recovery, which for you training competitively leaves a lot on the table. Pre workout drinks can get you hyped for a workout but just like any substance, very fast you will grow tolerance. I've read that it is detrimental to consume fat post-workout due to the body's insulin response and its tendency to store some of that fat due to this response. Except for the post-workout shake I eat zero carbs. But it can also help greatly to adjust diet. I eat milk + paleo on lean gains and am pretty damn sick of 18 hundred jillion pounds on sweet potatoe post workout. As bananas ripen the sugar in them changes from fructose to glucose. 1-1 ratio eg 100g of flour 1 egg, 200g 2 eggs. Try 2 weeks low (less than 100g, or, preferably 75g) and see how you feel. You can also try eating more carbs (150g-200g) on workout days and less than 100g and bumping up fat intake on nonworkout days. If you are concerned about athletic performance, then it's a more nuanced conversation. Even if sugar (in some form) is beneficial after a workout I think you can get it from a much healthier source. Is trying to lose weight and eats at a 250-750kcal deficit/day. I use Gold Standard Cookies and Cream, which has 4 carbs per scoop. Dan Duchaine recommends 16g carbs per kg lbm during the first 24 hours, and 9g/kg lbm the second 24 hours. You don't need the carbs, once I got through the transition it felt easier working out. This article talks about getting carbs to spike your insulin levels post workout, but in actuality, they are already spiked for about 2 hours post workout without ingesting simple carbs right after you lift. You need to be getting protein and carbs all throughout the day, so the short answer is both. Just get your flour, make a well, crack egg into it, beat into flour. I can see the value of Gatorade or similar formulations for endurance activities that could cause glycogen/electrolyte depletion. 2. I train BJJ and usually go for a small/medium Acai bowl after, is this crushing my carb allotment for the day even though it's immediately after hard… Lower your expectations for a little while. If you're doing something light for your workout, the same guidelines apply, but you won't need to eat nearly as much. But the body needs recovery after a tough ass workout, regardless of BF%. [deleted] •. Otherwise just drink coffee. Cheap, versatile, nutritious and quick. You are aiming at a ratio of carbohydrates to protein from 2:1 to 4:1 within 60 minutes after your workout and at least 60 minutes before workout for energy. Pre workouts are mostly caffeine anyways. Eat calories to match your goals, watch your macros, lift something heavy. Post work out maintain your normal diet, which I assume is high protein and lower carbs and fat. It depends when you’re training. I find the best macro breakdown for me being 50-60% fat, 20% protein, 20-30% Carbs. I keep my meals set up so that my carbs are eaten two hours before a workout (to give my body time to break them down) and again after I workout. Done. e. No but if you’re looking to build muscle mass aim for 160g of protein a day or at minimum 112g. r/4hourbodyslowcarb If you eat carbs right before you exercise, that will reduce the adaptation and reduce your fat burn as your body will switch over and burn those carbs first. This is not an issue for most people, as your stores are replenished within 24 hours, and you almost certainly don't deplete them fully in Muscles need to replenish their stores of nutrition that get depleted during the workout. The article's stance was "Don't put carbs in your body after a workout, when insulin resistant, because it does not benefit the muscles further and hinders fat burning" (Note: This stance may be quite simplistic since it pre-assumes you are trying to lose fat more than build muscle, and assumes insulin sensitivity is a whole body thing. Protein - Chicken, Lean Beef, Low Fat Pork or Fish - enough to get at least 40g of protein. If you need more protein just in general I like Pro Jym premium protein blend. When I do eat I get a minimum of 1g protein per lb of lean body mass, or more. 5 g of fat. So yes, cico is all that matters for weight loss. The best thing to do post workout is to try getting in lots of protein, carbs can come at any time, not necessarily right after you workout. It keeps me from going over board and undoing everything I worked for. Postworkout carbs, however, help me massively with recovery, especially if I'm doing higher intensity or more explosive lifts. The 30 minute window was disproven for people who have 24 hours between workouts. I'm five days into my carnivore diet and I plan on starting strength training again tomorrow. 5 grams if you're within a hour before. The main reason to consume carbs post-workout is to replenish the muscle glycogen that you burned during the workout. For pre and peri workout (higher carbs) I like the Plazma or Surge Workout fuel from Biotest / TNation. One of the main benefits of IF is preserving insulin sensitivity, so I wonder how the type of carbs you ingest changes your body's response, and how/if one type of carbs is more beneficial than the Citation needed. [deleted] • 12 yr. hoping this post can possibly shed some light. The most important thing is that you take in whatever pre-workout carbs you choose early enough that you don't have digestive issues in the gym. 4:1 is not the generally accepted ratio, at all by the way. Eating carbs after lifting is the very best time to eat carbs! You have a window of rapid glycogen replenishment you can take advantage of then. Even if you're not bulking up, it's really not that unhealthy if you skip the sour cream and get light cheese. • 11 yr. Post workout protein recommendations are based on your LBM but for most ppl its 20-25g. Carbs should be 2:1 after strength training or 3-4:1 after endurance training. However, I don’t have a large appetite for carbs during dinner (my post-workout meal). So 20-25g protein, 40-50g carbs is optimal. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. The 30 minute window was only critical for people doing two workouts in a day. Protein moreso. something to discuss, perhaps, as it's not covered in the faq. Google pubmed research articles for yourself. Post-workout nutrition has become a big deal because of muscle protein synthesis; the muscles’ ability to absorb the protein from food and turn that into gainz. Aug 28, 2017 · According to research, “Insulin only has to be boosted by three to five times above your fasting level to maximize its benefits post-workout, which is easily achieved from a regular-sized mixed meal,” explains St. Any other starchy carb is good. Vitargo is rediculously expensive but the best carb source I have ever used. qq el ew vw rk ij ji hn eh nb