My boyfriend didn t call me on new years

My boyfriend didn t call me on new years

If you’re in your late 20s/30s My bf didn't get me anything for our 1 year anniversary. My (23F) birthday is today. Cut your losses and find someone that loves you. Your hints will be ignored. But he didn't even call me to say "Hey babe. Happy New Year, my love! You are my rock, my anchor, and my everything. Today i tried to txt my girlfriend with my samsung she said she didnt get the txt but for some reason i can call her. If he continues to forget you exist, ignore you, you’ve got your answer. we thought we’d give it another try. The Today I (20F) was talking with my boyfriend (20M) about some common friends. He said that I didn't know, it wasn't my fault and he understood that I wanted to do something nice for him, but he just doesn't want his birthday acknowledged or celebrated. Hi. We love each other very much. The worst part is I came to be with her in another country. He got a new job recently and he hasn’t told me much about his coworkers because he says that he doesn’t really know them. ADMIN MOD. Take this time to reflect if you even want to be involved with a criminal. I cross stitched his dog for him and this took me just about every free hour I’ve had for the last month and a half including some of my lunch breaks at work. Kinkycheforlando. I said okay and thought we could have something small on the day, but he If he works 12 hour shifts then he HAS a break. He rang and I text him to say sorry I was busy and I put my phone down to sort something out and during those 7 minutes he rang and missed it. just dinner did not seem like it was from the heart because it was Dear Alisa, My partner doesn’t celebrate birthdays or anniversaries, he doesn’t feel it’s necessary. Mar 30, 2017 · After crying, talking, and crying a lot more, he left, and I closed the door behind him. Align Your Expectations. Itsnekoamai. mommymullen. Now, I am not a materialistic person, but the my love language is not receiving because if it were i would be wanting gifts year round for him to show appreciation. We hadn’t been together in decades. But whatever. You might think that they don't care about you or that they are taking you for granted. He called me at midnight, and wished me a happy birthday, and then proceeded into saying “I was going to have flowers delivered to you, but it was too expensive, so I didn’t get them”. Noone is too busy to take a few mins to show someone they care. Don't get too judgemental. It’s not even Christmas yet. Also, u asked what it means if he didnt contact u in 3 days. If he’s not the type of guy to do romantic things and you’re more romantic, then clearly you two are just not compatible. We are not talking about some random boyfriend here; we are talking about your husband here. The day was awful for other reasons as well, and he knew this. ” I dated someone 2 hours away we meet up like 1-3 times a month, we talked like crazy for a year, and then suddenly -bam- 2 weeks no contact with me. Your boyfriend didn't get you anything, maybe because he thinks the relationship has reached such a mature phase, where birthday gifts don't even matter. If you're thinking of him, dont be like "well, he was supposed to call me" just call him! And if the frequency of you calling him is annoying to him, then you aren't good for each other. He gave me reasons like I dont I treated him to a very nice prime rib birthday just the two of us and then I asked him about New Year’s Eve and he said he wasn’t sure so I got mad at him about that and I told him that I had plans with my mom for Christmas but then my plans with my mom changed so I called him I Facebook messaged him I texted him about coming he did not Jul 21, 2017 · It’s not just that he didn’t call when he said he would; it’s what it does to us. My roommate tried to commit suicide in my house earlier this year, he was flying on a boys trip so texted him freaking out. I’m not sure if I’m taking this too deep but I got my boyfriend of 8 months a couple of things for Valentine’s Day, some chocolate, a necklace and made him a card. He’s dead. Tell him this. Just communicate and let him know it bothers you and that you just want a quick text on how he’s doing or how his day is, etc. Your ex figured that reaching out to you would have ruined his/her happiness streak and forced your ex to engage in meaningless conversation with you. We have a kid together. Move on. If your boyfriend didn't post on your birthday, try to get into his shoes and see things from his perspective. But, in the grand scheme of things, it's not THAT big a deal. 4 nights ago we were discussing his birthday plans and he mentioned that he doesn't want to do anything. (We are in a long distance relationship). He is a very quiet person and many times we will end up just sitting in silence together Jan 19, 2023 · And if you didn’t have the talk, neither of you is innocent in this. I was fine with it, at first, I understood that he couldn't take much time off at his new job. He is usually exceptionally thoughtful and sweet. For years I planned my husband's and friend's birthdays. At first, he dismissed me because he thought I was just bloated, but after a few more hours of me wailing in pain and a nurse If he usually is all attentions and that he thinks about details, then yes, it is a big deal. This is most true in the early stages of a relationship. You need to be straight up w him. But no gifts, with certain negative indications, can be a real red flag for you. I’m spending the holidays with my family but they don’t celebrate these things and are in bed by 830pm. Tell him why you feel hurt. Ambulance and police arrived, it was insane. Some people aren't big on Christmas gifts. Did you contact him and no reply? He might not have messaged you because it's not new years for him yet? I still have over an hour before midnight. He then sent me a text saying he’s never gonna ring me again and when I have the time to ring him. It’s the fears it brings up in us, the awareness of who we are - and who we aren’t - that it sheds a light on. Most men would think that if their girlfriend didn’t mention anything about celebrating the 14th of February, then they don’t want anything. Let him know how you felt and discuss how to navigate gift giving from now on. My favorite memory of this is when he was in a business trip during my birthday and called me the day after (this was during the early My (22f) boyfriend (26m) and I have been together for just over a year and as the title says he didn’t get me anything for xmas. If you find yourself angst-ing about when he is going to call and if he is going to call (because it’s too early in the relationship to really know what to expect), do yourself a favor and ditch the phone. SugarMelter. nothing. An infuser mug decorated with a flower called the "Okura Ume Blossom", which is apparently the first flower to bloom in the winter. We have been dating for 3 months now and I thought everything was going well. Just take a deep breath and relax. He didn't say happy birthday that day because he said that he knew I was going to be busy and he didn't want to bother me. Even a superwoman deserves to be spoiled, especially on special occasions. Here’s to another year of making memories together. Boyfriend then asked me to go to his friends party knowing I hate said friend. 7. Or we buy it ourselves and say I love you. We both know Ben isn't quite good-looking so he tried joking about it saying that they're like those couples with a model-looking girlfriend and an average guy. so sad. Boyfriend didn’t answer my call. Talk to him about it. it may be a simple misunderstanding that can be cleared up easily. Also, it's just a birthday. About two days after Dec 19, 2016 · 01. Personal issues. Just being in the hospital doesn’t cut it, each room has a phone. And he said he is sorry, and that he woke up feeling out of it, he's in a lot of pain from his back, and he slept most of the day. I am dating my boyfriend, it’s been about 2. Even though I’ve told him it makes me feel bad when he doesn’t acknowledge some back story. Whereas, if you have been together for a while, don't hesitate in expressing your thoughts before him unfiltered. Or he’ll tell me he’ll call me at a certain time and I won’t hear from him until way later. So, I (22F) have a boyfriend (29M) of 4 months. He didn’t message me at all about it, call when he landed. I wouldn’t say that I cause a lot of drama, but I’m involved in a lot of drama as I’m Dump the boyfriend. Except instead of lastnight, because i complained, my BF is now out tonight. If your boyfriend is like my husband and makes a birthday card at midnight before my birthday (because I told him I wanted one) then it's really not a big deal. In about a week or two he will start dating and maybe even start having sex with It's my first birthday since we've been together (11 months). The best thing to do when your boyfriend is texting you less is to create a life you love. Thers infinity possibilities, dont assume anything bad, just ask him. Maybe he forgot lol. my ex boyfriend and i were very toxic, dated for 4 months break ended dated for 6 months breakup. Tell him exactly what you said here - that you are grateful for what you have, that you would have been fine with a pair of socks, but you feel like he didn't even think of you. He’s planning to spend a few days with you after New Year’s, after all. Focus on spending that quality time with your family and friends. And I waited till after dinner to give him the gift I bought for him and after he opened it he told me that he didn't buy me anything, no flowers Asshole. Dont mean to sound rude, it's just what it sounds like. Yesterday was our 1 year together and since valentines day he has been telling me he was going to get me a promise ring on our anniversary. 2. Stop doing all of that and watch how he reacts, or just tell him. He Is Complacent. "If you have just started dating, it's Adhideb Ghosh. I've been dating my boyfriend for 2. Me and my gf just flat out say what we want or say we want nothing and are surprised by anything. M/f, 24, 2 years. Either way, i usually tell people to be grateful for what they receive. My boyfriend didn't invite me to his birthday thing. If you’re not teenagers anymore, yes it’s a red flag. I'm looking for some advice either way. We live in the midwest united states (top middle area) (rules say I need this, but idk how to do it organically). 5 months now. i was wondering if i could claim my boyfriend on my taxes. He didn’t call, text, FaceTime, see me, etc for a week and never told me why. To be fair, unless you two agreed in advance that you wouldn't be exchanging gifts, a bf of 5 years should have gotten you something. Am sad because he puts no effort into maintaining relationship. My boyfriend turned 23 on thursday and is having a little celebration thing at his friends house tonight (phoebe and daniel) We have been dating for a year so Ive hung out with his group of friends quite a bit now and have become good friends with Phoebe. It's a big difference compared to me who has my phone on me (and replies to messages) prettymuch 24\7. Recently my bf has been getting very moody suddenly and he calls me boring. I explained to him that the only things that mattered to me were that we spent time together and that we kissed AT midnight. Tell him how much it means to you and tell him exactly what you want directly because I'm sure he's like me probably and gets anxiety around bdays and christmas. This is undoubtedly the most common reason. It’s alright to get mad. My boyfriend will tell me he’ll call me back in 10 minutes and then I won’t hear from him until 6 hours later. "We havent argued in at least a month" makes it sound like you guys uh. Feb 26, 2021 · Am having an issue with my boyfriend going two weeks now , just because I told him I was going to help a friend at the hospital he told me to leave his house so after I left , he didn’t call me for 4 days and so I decided to chat him up on WhatsApp telling asking him what the problem was and also apologising to him if by any way i offended This actual incident of this story goes like this: The other night my boyfriend's cousin (20M) who is staying at my boyfriends house, spoke to me in an extremely disrespectful way. We would keep in touch here and there but it was never more than just call or My Nex also didn't get me anything for my birthday or Christmas this past year. Dropping hints isn’t working, just come right out and say it to him. Your boyfriend is not your sole source of happiness – you need to create multiple levels of fulfillment. He doesn’t hold grudges and can’t think of a single person who he doesn’t like/doesn’t like him. . Hell, he could've typed up the message and scheduled it if he didn't want to be on his phone. I call him around 1:54 am because I wasn’t sure if he made it Trust doesn't just fall under the realm of whether or not you think a partner will cheat. I had to laugh at this a bit, because for the first several years of our marriage (and the 4-years prior to that while we were dating/living together), my husband not only got me nothing, he frequently forgot. He's not that into you. Tell him that going forward, you would love if he’d take a little more agency Feb 12, 2023 · 2. He does sleep during the day sometimes, but only for a few hours. talk to him an then rethink your realtionship he obviosly dosent care enough to remeber. Well, we didn’t kiss at midnight, which seems like a stupid thing to get upset about, but I’m upset he didn’t listen to me. We met in college back in 2010 and were together for two years, but He broke my heart and we went our separate ways and moved on. Jun 6, 2024 · 11 Things To Do When Your Boyfriend Does Nothing For Your Birthday. I know; it makes no sense to me, either. That was almost two years ago, and we never saw each other, spoke, or texted again. But I've been really stressed lately, so it's possible that I'm just overreacting. I (21/F) went to the ER early on Wednesday morning at around 4am with severe abdominal pain and nausea, which started while I was on the phone to my boyfriend (22/M). 17. She was living in Bogota, Colombia at this time. Not even a card. He probably was worrying about taking you into 2022 and you gave him a reason. We do activities together, enjoy intimacy, have mutual friends and don't really fight. It’s true that talking about money can be uncomfortable, but this is one way in which communication is valuable. (I told you, it’s tough love). My boyfriend went in on me because I didn’t answer his video call the second time. The day of my birthday he also made me feel guilty for wanting him there to spend the day with me and because I wanted him to go out to sushi with me and my mom. It’s the second-guessing it leads us to do on ourselves. he made $4000 last year? i provided way over half of his needs for the year? Boyfriend did not show up on new years no call no text. He doesn’t want to seem too eager. It doesn't have to be fancy or expensive but the thought means some to me". Honestly, any girl would feel bad if her man doesn’t show up or show up well. I instead received snap chats of them all laughing on the beach. 30 minutes and probably a hour break somewhere. He says why would he want to be with someone as boring as me. You don't have to make a big deal about it but it would have been better to say "yes I would like something from you. Sep 12, 2010 · Ive been with my boyfriend for almost 7 years now and weve been living together for about 5 years. 9. My boyfriend (16) and I (m17) have been dating for nearly a year at this point. With time he would come to the terms so do not worry. About 4 years into our relationship I started talking to him about it. I’ve tried bringing it […] Mar 5, 2018 · The reason your ex didn’t text you happy birthday isn’t that your ex forgot your birthday but because your ex felt uncomfortable or afraid of your reaction. Need help with your relationship? Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or…. We have been together to 7 years, on and off but mostly on. My boyfriend and I were long distance In a feature I call “Your Turn,” in which you, the readers, get to answer the question, I’m presenting the following letter without commentary from me: “John” and I met almost six months ago, but only decided to be in an exclusive relationship after four months of dating, right before I left for two-week vacation. TatianaAlena. This is definitely a deal breaker trait for me. I don’t understand where he’s coming from, literally this weekend we went up to the mountains to hike with some friends. And also, seriously don't go over the top like this for your next boyfriend. He would be upset with me back then if I didn't call him first thing in the morning. this is one of the holidays that we have exchanged gifts in the past so not getting one this year when we had talked about celebrating was somewhat frustrating. Don’t listen to the comment above- most guys plan something for Valentine’s Day without being reminded or reading your mind. I was very upset that he did not get me anything for my birthday. I am grateful for your love and support this past year. Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help! My boyfriend didn't speak to me for 2 months. And said a few rude things like how he Now, neither your boyfriend nor me should be doing this. A full-on communication stop after a breakup is rare these days. It seems like a good opportunity - Relationships Question Nov 9, 2022 · When a long-ago boyfriend died, I couldn’t believe the pain I still felt. TL;DR: made plans with boyfriend to meet up yesterday but he didn’t show up and didn’t call or contact all day aside from one message to rearrange the time, but he didn’t show up then either. The worst enemy of the human is overthinking because you might find yourself disappointed with what you ended up. 4. His Family And Friends Don’t Approve Of You. Overreacting can escalate the situation, and create more tension, misunderstandings, and also conflict in the relationship. My (26F) boyfriend (25M) didn’t call me on Christmas and I’m very upset but feel guilty about feeling that way. Tell him "well I was GONNA let you keep these things TOMORROW if you didn't complain". That’s just how men’s logic work. My boyfriend and I have been dating pretty seriously for four years now. He said that if he knew it was important to me to tell me that day he would have done it. help? And a 'Good morning, Merry Christmas! I will be too busy to text today, but I love you!'. He’ll say he was He failed the birthday test and honestly I couldn't be more cheesed. I didn't know his father was such an evil asshole. I didn't want to ruin his night by telling him how sad this made me so I left and went to my parents house and ended up crying with my mom for a bit. Aside from social media stalking, many ex-couples continue to actually communicate—trying to stay friends. It was definitely a bummer. Of course, your ex wasn’t 100% Jul 14, 2023 · My Husband Didn’t Get Me Anything For Valentine’s Day. If he never ever reacts to anything you do, seriously, just forget him and move on. This isn’t just about whether you’re an independent woman or not. He knows how much better talking to him makes me feel. He was breaking up with you. My bf left the house at 6:30 last night to “get bbq from his brother’s house”. But when I heard the news, I felt like I was 17 years old all over again. The Christmas season is a rare opportunity to My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years. He said it the next day. This makes me upset. Some flowers and a dinner for him are much more reasonable, and be clear that you also want x, y, z, even down to the type of flower. I spent my birthday with a knot in my stomach and just. When I called him at 9ish, he was making a second stop to his aunt’s house to catch up on some family This was obviously too much for me, so I started crying and apologizing for pushing him. You expected a nice Valentine’s Day gift from him but didn’t get it. And maybe more than anything else, it’s the self-doubt that calls everything into My boyfriend hasn't called/text me in over a week. I spent my first New Year’s Eve with my boyfriend. But then I notice he didn't get me a card, present, anything. Birthdays are a huge deal for me, and anyone who knows me, knows that I try to message my loved ones at/around midnight. Archived post. 1. Reply reply. i . My boyfriend and I have been together for a year. Let him explain. You probably shouldn't be together. This is one of the most common reasons why he doesn’t call. Tell him you want to spend NYE with him and you’d love if he planned something, or at least initiated a conversation with you about plans. He just wants to talk to me for a bit to start off the day and that's it. Yes maybe you're right about that too. Or maybe he has planned to surprise you soon with something bigger. I was feeling so unimportant and left out. As stated In the title, my boyfriend (30m) did not invite me (28f) to his birthday party. He "apologized" in a tone of sarcasm and dismissal. Jan 1, 2009 at 4:55 PM. Something like, “hey, I’m kind of upset you didn’t get me anything for my birthday after you seemed like you were going to. Relationships. I didn't even get a phone call. ago. The only problem is he won’t call me his girlfriend. Maybe this is the reason: 1. We live together, and never go a day without talking. Giving him no 1. • 8 yr. He buys me nice gifts gets me snacks, cooks for me and tells me how beautiful I am on a daily basis. It's a really special day for me because it means a lot to live another year. We chatted for a bit and boyfriend didn't see anything wrong with this. We have a pretty big fight EVERY year for my birthday. I wasn't expecting much, despite putting a lot of effort into his birthday. I then asked him why he didn't talk to me until 7PM the next day. Tdlr2: He literally broke up with me. My boyfriend recently got a new job so he wasn't able to come. He’s my first boyfriend and has honestly been amazing, helping me try to be a better person and get myself out of a bad mental state I’ve been in in for quite some time. He always pays when we eat out, even when I Dec 20, 2011 · If you really want to get to the bottom of his behavior, just communicate with him already. I have told my… Apr 24, 2020 · It can be very upsetting for a guy to leave you hanging for days without a message, so it’s important you get your mind focused on the steps I’m about to give you because they’ll make everything much easier for you, just follow along. Sure, a certain amount of romance settles down, but thoughtfulness doesn't. So I dont understand why he wont marry me. Then he told me his friend Ben's got a girlfriend and that she's very, very pretty. My boyfriend and I agreed that we will definitely call on Christmas and new years. I feel like after a year it is the least you can do for someone you care about. Decide if that’s acceptable for you. He almost always calls me when he's on his way home from work on days we don't see each other, so normally it didn't bother me. I feel hurt because for the second year in a row my boyfriend forgot to make plans for my birthday. He said the reasons he didn’t get If unable or not wanting to provide a gift, your boyfriend should make that known ahead of Christmas. I don't expect much. For my last birthday, my boyfriend of 5 years got me a teacup. Another possibility is that they simply forgot. There is no need to go out of way to please him otherwise he would seek more attention from you. My ex used to get me gifts, but one birthday he just stopped. Let us know what happens with this strategy. I tell him how I feel about it every time he does it, but he brushes it off or makes excuses. 16. This is where I questioned him. Hello, and thank you for your submission. Take A Breather. Yeah, he should have called. Jan 1, 2009 · m. When he said he didn't get you a present and he asked if you were ok with it, you should have said something. Do nothing. It’s not as if he’s coming to your neck of the woods and not spending any time with you. My Boyfriend didn’t get me a Christmas gift and I don’t know how to feel. You make time for one another however you can, you communicate with each other constantly, and it just feels easy. She was the only person I knew there and she didn't even get me a card or anything. 3. He’s never been ‘good’ at occasions (as he says) but this year it was the worst. My boyfriend didn’t plan anything for my birthday for the second year in a row. He’s locked up. And really, it’s not such a surprise that a 21-year-old guy would rather hang out with his buddies on New Year’s Eve than his girlfriend’s parents. If you have to end the relationship, please do so and go find someone who will appreciate your very existence, your stories, your calls, everything about you. My boyfriend didn’t do anything for my birthday or our anniversary and I can’t help but feel upset So my parter (25/m) and I (23/f) have been together for 5 years. bm00th. He honestly thought he would go out at 7pm, drive an hour to get to where he was going, play cards with his friends, drive a whole hour back and be back before midnightleaving me with a 4 Live your life, and try to put him in the back of your mind. Stop giving him attention and let him do what he wants to do. Even if he loves your If it was a big group getting together and everyone is buying their own food I'd be a bit hurt not being invited. in between my relationship with my current boyfriend i had dated another boy for about 10 months in total. But now, all we do is text. Keep doing this everytime you go out with him. she has a lg rumor. I used the last of my money this week for all that and gave it too him as soon as I saw him. I knew this from the beginning, I'll admit. Boyfriend (23/m) didn't do anything for me (20/f) on our anniversary. Let’s light up the sky in 2024 together. First, do not be afraid to talk about it. • 4 yr. Both of us are in our late twenties. My (19) boyfriend (21) didn’t get me anything for Valentine’s Day. I specifically asked about that May 13, 2024 · You need figure out what makes you happy, and start doing that. He doesn’t want to buy you flowers, take you on dates, or plan your time together. He’s in a coma in a hospital somewhere. The first stage in most new relationships is bliss! We are perfect, the other person is perfect, and the relationship just flows. I almost got left alone lastnight too. Weve never split up or separated in that time period. Most of the time he will call eventually, but he won’t call you right away because he wants to give the you the illusion that he actually has a life outside of dating you. There are no triggers or things the other person does to upset My boyfriend hates giving gifts, but there are a bunch under the tree waiting for me to open on Christmas morning. My boyfriend (29) doesn't talk to me (37f). Girls can be so dramatic to think that their boys are cheating out there, without understanding what’s really going on when he may not call back in a few minutes. For starters, you would probably be pretty hurt. Or whatever. So here's the background story, my boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship. I really hate complaining, but honestly I'm feeling a little hurt over this. Our one point of contention has been that he's not great at holidays/birthdays. The important thing here is, if having your bday acknowledged is important to you, you need to make sure he knows that, and if he does know, then it's up to you decide whether or not his excuse, whatever that may be, is good enough for you. I asked him wether he cared or wether it was worth the effort, and he said, no. So now I feel like absolute shit. Everything is pretty much perfect- we love spending time together, he really cares about me, we spend almost every night together, and we’re pretty much a ‘couple’ in the conventional sense. You will always be a burden to the wrong May 20, 2021 · If Your Relationship Is New If you two haven’t been dating long, then a forgotten birthday probably doesn’t point to a deeper issue in your relationship. Especially after being with someone for six months, you should be able to think of at least something that they would be excited/happy to receive from you. First Stage: New Relationship Bliss. You’re an adult and you have every right to ask your partner why they didn’t get you a gift. I’ve explained to him so many times over the years, that I want to celebrate these things and I want him to celebrate with me because it makes me feel good. At times, we'll be on the phone for hours while we're both working. Avoid jumping to conclusions or overreacting. Relationships shouldn't be about gift giving. My Boyfriend Hasn’t Texted Me All Day – 12 Helpful Tips. But…. But then again, communication is the key so perhaps you could get it off your chest. Mar 24, 2015 · There are only a few excuses to accept from a man who doesn’t call…. 4M subscribers in the relationship_advice community. My boyfriend (20m) doesn’t defend me? (19f) [new] The first thing I want to say is my boyfriend doesn’t like confrontation and drama in general. The next morning I got up and told him to not speak to me like that again. Remember that happy, healthy women are irresistible. Maybe talk to him and see if he has breaks. If he's done this and before and isn't too crazy and irresponsible, trust him like you say you do. She was okay but it traumatised me. Whenever a man doesn't text back for 3 days it means he's interested in someone else and already started to talking with another woman. Your Husband Has Become Lazy in Marriage. 5 years and we have a fun, stable, relationship. we dated before but we were super young (14) and broke up really fast. With that bring said, I don't think you're wrong for wanting a text after his evening was done. Do it, and tell him why it’s over and when others ask you can say,” Yeah, I dumped him. Hey everyone, My (24F) birthday was on wednesday. If your relationship is new, let things take their turn. I'm lonely. Maybe he will start buying flowers for you. If this is a one-time thing, you might be able to forgive them, but if it happens year after year, you might want to rethink the relationship. Happy New Year, darling! Our love is like a firework – bright, beautiful, and full of magic. Mar 18, 2009 · “I’ve been seeing this guy for almost 6 months now. Tdlr: BF said he'd plan birthday, planned literally nothing. Tell him what you’re feeling. Move on and cut your losses. Best to move on. Ditch your phone. He didn't even plan to meet me on his days off, instead he spent it with his cousins. He Tell the sales person, my bf does not buy me flowers. Do a lot of arguing. xu kw tc ak cc vl lk el zy ba