I broke up with my boyfriend reddit

I broke up with my boyfriend reddit

I’m scared I did the wrong thing because I still love him. We went upstairs and somehow we got talking and he said he doesn't love me, he doesn't think he can love anyone, but he enjoys my company. 2. ) I texted him that he can't just throw my cat against the wall, and r/BreakUps. Communication is very important in a relationship and you are afraid to communicate to him about this. I broke up with my boyfriend after 4 years of being together. I met my boyfriend last year during the summer before senior year of high school. For a new relationship, friendships, working out buddies, drinking buddies, or even online friends. And about how to break up. About a year and a half ago, I broke up with my ex boyfriend after 10 years together. Felt like I was dying while breaking things off, but it was for the best. ADMIN MOD. After reading them you could have literally told me you stole my screenshots from my ex and I would believe you. It was so cold. 967K subscribers in the Advice I broke up with my boyfriend for no reason. I get there's clear obstacles like your busy job and such pero you need to somehow put yourself out there. The first couple days after the break up were rough. I didn't want to break up. 5 years. Award. different from my other partners. I feel like I’m okay then the next minute I’m crying my eyes out. ago. I thought my decision was final and calculated, I had wanted to break up with him for months. Not to mention dealing with your own mortality. Relationships. I (23 f) have been dating my boyfriend (22 M) for three years. But I broke up with him yesterday. You could have done it civilly like an adult. It’s the one thing that I wish she had done rather than bottling it up and letting it fester. Today is supposed to be our 6 months together. We had been dating for 9 months, and while it may not seem like a long time, he was my first real boyfriend and my first real love. It’s true that only we are responsible for our behaviors but we owe it to one another to be there for each other when we aren’t being perfect. I dont know what he saw in me. So, I broke up with him because my mental health was doing so badly and I could feel myself slip back in old patterns. The “my beautiful girlfriend” text. Yesterday my boyfriend broke up with me, the news came really unexpectedly. We were together since I was 16 and he was my first boyfriend/first break up. Also, I agree completely that this situation was not conductive to a healthy relationship, but his insecurity wasn't "BS" if he was surrounded by shitty people, especially his mother, constantly underselling him because of it, as I broke up with my boyfriend because of his views on cheating-update. Im really starting to regret breaking up with my ex 😢. lori_chan. All I wanted to do was respect this man and I got to a point i’d do anything for him to like me as much as I like him. When she felt actually communicated to me, I made changes to be a better BF and a man for her, but in the end she blindsided me and expected me to read her mind a month and a half later. I miss him a lot and am worried i rushed into the break-up. I just wish he could change and improve for himself / do better for himself. We did things together, we had fun. she broke up with me and I put in effort, listened, and compromised. This doesn't get better. twixter79. 18F here. So, I did tell her the very day I made this post even though I had no evidence. • 6 yr. You are accepting someone for the way he is. Too bad for him, but you don't need his permission to break up. Although I have always loved him and thought he was an amazing person, but I have had…. We began dating in less than a week. Finally I went on a girls trip and two things happened: 1) I got attention from guys that I thought were really attractive and had qualities I liked that my ex didn't 2) I had a chat with my girlfriends where I realized that I wasn't sure if I wanted kids but I definitely didn't About a month ago, I broke up with my bf of 4. but I had to do something because I was miserable with my I ex. Once you ended things he is free to do what he wants online. He has one brother, Sam (33m) who is married to Lisa (32f). I was not looking for attention, I didnt just become his girlfriend because I wanted attention and because I was sad, I became his girlfriend because The best mechanisms for getting over a failed relationship is time, communication and acceptance. I’m glad you were only with him for 2 months. I think breaking up was ultimately the right thing to do since both of our lives seemed to be going in different directions but even after all this time I’m struggling with the Rip the bandage. My ex was a great guy and he did everything for me I wish I could explain why i ended it but I just felt I had to. I (27F) love my boyfriend (30M) but he’s always broke and I’m growing resentful. Fear of defining a relationship as a relationship (despite having all the signs that it is) Unexpected periods of distance and silence. I (22f) recently broke up with my boyfriend, around 2. You're grieving the relationship you wanted. He had all the options in the world to pick from, but my ex boyfriend who I don’t think that the solution is facing your depression alone. Stay strong, you can do this and know that you come first in this situation. This is a throwaway. If anyone of us needed support, reassurances, words of encouragement, we would be there for each other. I like a partner who has the empathy to pick me up in my falling down moments. I Break Down at time because I still taking care of him. Our relationship was fine. The medicine cancer patients have to take affects their behavior in horrible ways. Broke up with my boyfriend but am still feeling heartbroken. I know his family. I ended up leaving high school after my junior year and going to job corp because I couldn't stand being hated by so many people. Before that we had a bit of a history, but I could feel he was the right person. I had limited experience with men prior to the start of our relationship. 16. Our relationship has been great and we've never got into any sort of physical altercation, ever before. I really loved him but there were just a lot of things that were never going to work I (22m) two days ago broke up with my (22m) boyfriend. My boyfriend and I have been together for over 2 years. After a few weeks I felt that I had made a mistake, I felt terrible. NewFeelsOnLife. And finally to answer that question, yes, your needs do deserve to be met. And for the love of whatever is holy to you stop calling men "dramatic" because they cry sometimes or move back to 1800 where your attitudes belong. The last month or so of the relationship, I felt absolutely awful. Don't get me wrong, i like when a person pays ADMIN MOD. I always feared that something like this would happen. But something came up and I was delayed. As every couple does, we’ve definitely hit our bumps in the road but have gotten past pretty much most of them. He cooked dinner, we exchanged gifts. He and I dated for about eight months. Sounds like you have a pattern of trying to make it work with the wrong people, rather than cutting your losses, moving on, and trying to find someone who does want the same thing. I think you should just let him know what has been going on with you now and if he's sensible he would understand. I just wasn't feeling that spark. I tried 2 years and it had really messed me up. I broke up with him 2 days ago because he was too much for me. I may be young and people may call me naive for it but you know when you get the feeling of a right person and he was that person. notalaskakidd. 1. Can't argue or express emotions. I did it. ”. We were together for two years and were long distance. I would get some therapy to see why you do this and other techniques to up your self esteem without hurting your partner. I thought I found him unattractive. Everyone congratulated me, for being brave for having the balls to do it. If you keep complying this will never end, and the breakup will get harder and harder. It's up to you whether to step off it now, or to ride it farther into emotional desolation. I want to break up with my boyfriend even though he is perfect. We were together over 6 years and I broke it off this weekend that passed by. I couldn’t believe it. and I have been dating for over 4 years. we were in a long distance relationship and one of the few reasons why things didn’t work out was because i failed to communicate a hard boundary between him being friends with his ex. I would have been fine with him saying "no", but he clearly wanted nothing to do with me after I asked a simple question. AthenaSholen. When my ex broke up with me i was sad for 3 days and then depressed the entire month. Couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep and couldn’t This is a very generic answer but : Boys most of the Times, they get a bit nostalgic and are more likely to regret. We live two hours away and can only meet up on weekends. I finally broke up with my boyfriend after two years. It must hurt that he doesn't seem to care but I think now is the time to get some distance and time on your own. In a fit of impulsiveness I did it finally. I felt that he wasn’t making any effort, he was distant towards me. I don't know what to feel. Tell him off, even if it has to be in public. 4. He had bought tickets to come see me next week. But here's another thing he got attached too quickly like he cried when I broke it off but he didnt tell me to not break up nor did he feel bad about not telling me earlier. I broke up with my perfect boyfriend. im very much with my new man, im living with my new man, but I still have ALL of my belongings at my apartment. •. I just wish he changed to become a better person for his sake, NOT because I want By the time I got back to my apartment my boyfriend was gone. Then literally 4 days later I felt relieved. I got used to being called a cop, snitch bitch, rat, etc. One of the most commonly tools used to asses your self esteem is called the "Rosenberg self-esteem scale". This is gonna sound like a shitton of tooting my own horn, and Im sure a lot of people won't be happy with it, but almost 8 months in, deeply in love with this guy, I find myself fantasizing about breaking up with him for good. He says he cares about me a lot and I’m He is type of guy that everyone loves and never has problems with. 6. am i (23F) the asshole for breaking up with my bf (23M) over the barbie movie. I broke it over the phone. Not for opinions, not for relationship advice, and not for preaching. A little background, these past weeks and months, I I broke up with my boyfriend. My, now ex, boyfriend and I were a great couple and we worked well together. When I was 14 I met my ex through a mutual friend and after she started bullying me he began to stand up for me and we began to have feelings for eachother and started dating behnd my uncles back . Me (25f) and my boyfriend (28m) have been together for 3 years now. I am in deep pain now, I cannot stop crying. Your with someone for 6 years and you break up with them by ghosting them. Problem is you pushed one too many times. If he’s anything like my ex, he’ll go through emotions of guilting you and being angry (being manipulative, as if you owe him everything) then to accepting it, then to begging for you to come back. Not at all. Broke up with him and he didn’t care. My boyfriend (21m) broke up with me (20f) last night. Later that year when i was 15 my uncle was arrested and I got to go back to live with my bio mum who ever since then has been cold to me. I'm happy we had 6 great years but I'm also very relieved that he ended it when he did. I (19f) Hit my Boyfriend (19m) & He Broke Up with Me. If you don't trust him now-- good. Continue to apply that same introspection and I believe you will find your truth. Context: I (28, F) ended our 2 year relationship with my ex (M, 30). I’ve never been broken up with before. He’d been struggling with mental illness for a long time. Also, this dude is clearly manipulating you and guilt tripping you into staying with him imo. He was a lot of my firsts. Before the loneliness eats you alive. Basically, her boyfriend and his friends knew a girl in a relationship with a guy who was toxic and had these kind of beliefs. I felt like he only did what I wanted and not set goals for himself. 5 weeks ago. tl;dr: Boyfriend of 3. I know we are still very young and are still I’m a 26F and my Boyfriend is a 28M. I texted him to explain to me how Coffee got hurt. I also come from a financially stable family. Just broke up with my boyfriend. This time, you figured it out after only six months, which is not bad at all. Hi Reddit. I know I made the right decision breaking up with him because he love bombed me early into our relationship, projected his insecurities out on me, would start fights with me etc. Just broke up with my boyfriend without warning. It didn’t end well, and we were both miserable and unhappy in the relationship. He told me he’s been thinking about love for the past 1-2 months and right now he doesn’t know if he loves me or not. I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday and today I had sex with an old friend. I know this hurts, but saddle up and ride on so that you can find just cozykitty97. In november last year the boyfriend of my mother in law (also a 2 year relationship) toucht me in an inappropriate way. It was basically mutual and completely amicable, but I’m still broken. but three days ago my bf and i went to go see the barbie movie. It has been 7 months since our break up. You are not responsible for his choices. We had to break up due to incompatibility but I still care about him so much and I'm grieving the loss of what we used to have and what could've been. so i think it was for the best because if such less time had so much impact on him. AITA for breaking up with my boyfriend over the Barbie movie. 5-3 years, broke up because he was emotionally cheating on me. he was just sad I left ( Not the sob cry but you get what I mean). He told me that he went in my room to pick up Coffee, Coffee got scared and scratched him, so he threw him against the wall(he worded it more vulgarly then that. We would've been together for 3 years next month, but this weekend we had a terrible Walk away, give him space to grieve for him to accept it. princessthingz. I just wanted to have some time to myself to focus on preparing to enter college later this year, but apparently he took it harder than I realized. I cheated on him a while ago and we broke up over that. Usually I am the one who breaks up with the other and although it still hurts me I get over it quickly by remembering the things the that they were not able to put into the relationship. He is respectful, rarely gets mad, is kind, a family man, and goes out of his way to put make me smile. I thought I found him annoying. Posting on a throwaway because I know he's used reddit before as well. mawessa. I think you should meet up and try to work it out! The best things take time and effort, but do also keep in mind that if he I probably had my first doubts years before we actually broke up. After our 3rd attempt at therapy and not enough progress, do I leave to protect my kids or keep trying to save our family? He loves us and is terrified of us leaving. Girls, on the other hand, they have not such an hard Time to find someone else, through dating apps or whatever, or to get free compliments and attention here and there. i’ve also been going through a rough patch An overarching feeling of "not being fully in the moment". About 95% of my social circle dropped me when word got around at school. by the time i was able to fully My boyfriend (23m) and I (21f) dated for 3 months and I broke up with him yesterday. His response was, “well you earn enough for the both of us. We were supposed to go to a festival together that day, he picked me up from work in my opinion everything seemed normal, he drove me to my house so I’d pick up my stuff, as I was leaving he said he had some bad news. Just a few days beforehand, we had discussed marriage and kids. Lack of understanding for your problem with the relationship. We live together and have 2 adorable cats. I'm a 29 year old woman. Try to explain yourself, in a good clear way, and if you don’t know how to, try to find a way to communicate with him, it takes time and effort but the benefits are worth it. . In my case, I'm 26, have 2 masters and am working in a well established company. Last night, I broke up with my bf of about 4 months. Hello, guys. I called him and told him that I felt bad I (20F) broke up with my now ex boyfriend (19M) for a variety of reasons (who i’ll call A. And then he's pretty harsh. I am sure that there are many people on this sub who will resent me, given that I was the dumper in this scenario. I think people who excuse and blow off this sort of behavior fall into 2 categories. Also - this is big - the brain always wants what it thinks it cannot have. Reply More replies. I broke up with my non-christian boyfriend. One day your mouth is going to write a check you can’t cash. I can't stop crying. While it’s true that depression makes things harder, it also isolates us. I still loved him, but I believed that my decision was right. We are have been living together for 2 years. Don’t answer calls, text only about necessary things, and NEVER text first. I broke up with my boyfriend, and I'm so sad. Be short and to a point ("I am not happy"), don't blame him for getting cancer for fuck's sakes, and then leave and let him mourn the relationship. If something does upset him, then we just talk it out together. He was so. He's the perfect guy anyone could ask for -- sweet, caring, super understanding, funny, cute, doesn't verbally or physically abuses me, and owner of all green flags there is. There weren't any obvious red flags, but I always got this feeling that he didn't value me much. 15. I adore him and he is the best person I could have possibly spent this time with. But you had signs right after the first date. We were both extremely sad, and mutually agreed I was jumped by former "friends" at a party and then kicked out. Callmemuddled. I know he cares about me more than anyone. This test will take less than 5 minutes and will immediately give you the results. • 2 yr. Don't get down on yourself because you can't force yourself to trust an untrustworthy person. My boyfriend (M17) and I (F16)have been dating for 8 months. You broke up with him because he had personality/character issues that you grew tired of, not because of his height. We are both rational like that and I really appreciate his understanding in certain situations. They have one daughter who is 4 years old. He accepted it in a heartbeat, blocked me, and has never been heard from again. I love him sooo much. One day he gave up his clerical job as he wanted to become a writer. I can't even imagine breaking up after being together for like a year. We have been together for a few months. The relationships aren’t always 50-50. I always asked him if he was ok and if anything bothered him all the time. I asked him what’s up, he said we should end it That's how breakups go sometimes. The one thing I would suggest is talking to your boyfriend about this and see if you guys can work through it. I was madly in love with him and fully thought we would get married. We had a lovely evening. Just like the title says. You need to accept the reality of the relationship you had, and the relationship you had was abusive. You have to try, man. O. . We were together for 1 year and few months. i know he would do anything for me, but i didn’t feel like i could do the same. It means your senses are still functioning properly. I broke up with him now I miss him. And I when I left it was so easy for him. Yes! It’s such an odd way to feel when you can’t imagine your life without someone and then it just feels like a big disconnect from everything. I broke up with my boyfriend 6 weeks ago after a 2,5 year relationship. This sounds like a boyfriend to lose, my dear. I do not envy you for the choice before you, OP. i literally dont know what to do right now and i feel so helpless turning to reddit for advice/validation. So I 17m and my now ex 18m. He has a calm but authoritative aura about him. I guess you just need to tell him how he has been holding you back. So I (24F) have a relationship with my current boyfriend (23M) for a little over 2 years now. Broke up with my boyfriend three weeks ago (would have been engaged this weekend) due to his lack of ability to change. In that time we have broken up twice, the longest break up only lasting 5 days. 7. Thought I wouldn't survive the break up, even though I knew it needed to happen. Its been 4 months since I left my apartment. The reason I broke up with him is because in the few weeks prior to the break up I felt distance between us due to a lack of communication and what I perceived to be an effort on his part. Tl;dr: I broke up with my bf of 3 years and still live in his home city, but I miss him so much and want us to work one day after we’ve both grown. i just gotta get the ex out of my apartment, to have a greatness Yes, unfortunately you can love someone and realize they will not make for a good life partner. 1 - They have experienced and normalized abuse in their lives, either growing up or in their own relationships. Like, they're there to find love, but because you're still somewhat anchored to your past's loss, you are not only causing your past SO pain, but you're also causing your current dates pain. I’m proud of you for being strong enough to end the relationship. Use this opportunity to delve into the negative aspects of the relationship. ) A and i dated for 8 and a half months which proved to be a very memory filled ride. The day of the breakup, he got belligerently drunk, sexually assaulted my best friend and then put both of our lives in danger (I won't go into detail but later on he said he was thankful that I didn't call the police on him). He always makes sure I am comfortable, he goes out and gets food for me, he buys My ex said this to me. i’ve Now I know that it is just the memories, the visual, then the emotions. Now, I say for good because him (m20) and I (f19) have already broke Should I break up with my boyfriend? Reddit. Before I broke up with him, my biggest fear was how the situation turned out, how upset he would be and how he’d react. Because you cannot change him, and you cannot make him want to change, so the present that is hurting you is the only future you have to look forward to if you remain together. The first step would be to try and confirm that, so we know if you should take a closer look or not. I genuinely thought I would have been devastated to end things with him since we’d been together almost 3 years. One effective way of doing this that has been scientifically proven to work, is to sit down and think about all the negative aspects of your ex. Thoughts? Both me and my boyfriend are in our teenage years, he's a senior at highschool and I'm a year younger than him. I wanted to make an update the day after I posted it to reassure you guys I did tell Lisa. did you break up with him bc you wanted to date others? I (21) have been in love with my military boyfriend (21) for 4 years now (since 2017) and had an on-and-off long distance relationship for the past…. she reached out to me told me all the things I did wrong or I did. My boyfriend and I broke up on Christmas. In the short term: feel and deal. Especially seizure meds, chemo, radiation and the whole package. I was going to play a long game and leave him at the end of the month but I really could at look at him or touch For context, I live in a country where parents approval of your partner is mandatory. : ( I tried to be as kind as possible while also clear and honest, but I still feel horrible for hurting him. Your action or inaction does not dictate what he decides to do. Or 2 - They have never experienced an abusive partner/family member and dangerously underestimate how bad it can get. I've been loyal and I love him, but there are red flags that scare me. My boyfriend(24m) broke up with me(23f) 4 days ago and it’s been messing with my head. It is all just such a big chain reaction which leads to you being sad. Ongoing support for break ups. Apologies for format etc, am on mobile TLDR; I suggested my bf breaks up with me out of low self confidence, even though I didn’t mean it. ThrowawayKarma29. My boyfriend is thoughtful, creative, and trustworthy, but as the title says… he’s always broke. F22 M24. You'll move on. Didn’t even check with me. At times he seemed a bit cold and acted 1. When I broke up with him, we hadn’t EDIT: We broke up a couple of months ago. Your post is thoughtful and contemplative. Really letting it string on longer is a disservice to both of you. I broke up with my boyfriend because he yelled at me. I paid his mobile phone bill. ) don’t focus too much on the good times. ParkingPsychology. Our relationship consisted of a lot of communication. Maybe we wouldn’t have been able to make it work but at least I wouldn’t have been completely blindsided by it. He's been my rock for so long, and I've been his. 5 years broke up with me on the spot after I asked him to consider an open relationship. You sound like a grade A class douchebag who thinks they can say anything. We fell out of love. I broke up with my boyfriend and instead of feeling devastated, I feel relieved. He literally unsecured the relationship-- he broke the relationship-- and hasn't done the work of putting it back together. I broke up with my boyfriend because he was too clingy. on a total other note, imagine what the other men felt after you broke up with him. I fantasize about breaking up with my boyfriend. I think my bf is gonna break up with me. I met my boyfriend in college when I was 19 years old. I was completely head over heels with this man when I met him a year ago. They were attempting to get proof to show to the girl by gaining his trust. To get over a breakup, you need to change your way of thinking. I just broke up with my boyfriend. I don’t recall being loved or liked by any guy in my life, except him. He is not your boyfriend he is your exboyfriend. The guy was suspicious of them so part of that plan included publicly making comments. Never had a boyfriend in my life up until I met my (ex)boyfriend, which I have since broken up with. [new] Over a month ago, my boyfriend (22 turning 23) of 5 months (normal friends for a year prior) and I (girl, 23) had a talk last night. I (25F) deeply regret breaking up with my (26M) boyfriend of five years. I also felt like "damaged goods" and i didn't want to drag him through the mud bc i care about him deeply. I broke up with my boyfriend last night, and he shot and killed himself. Good luck. I cared about him so very deeply. I won’t lie even writing that out felt unreal. I started dating him in September of this year. I am heartbroken and don't know how I can make it up to him. We were happy and suddenly he got distant in the past month. I Need Advice. I broke up with my boyfriend on Valentine’s Day. The issue is that while he's been head over heels the whole time, I haven't. My S. My (28F) husband (26M) is mostly great with our kids (2M, 1M, and another boy on the way) until he's not. The reason i broke up is because he had issues in the past with insecurities for a while that made me very tired and exhausted mentally and i still cant get over it, even though from his side its been fixed for 2 months now i still dont feel okay. I’ve just broke up with my boyfriend of one year I’m 21 F he is 26M because he said he does not even want to think about moving out of his parents house until atleast 5 years so he would be 31 and that’s atleast and I just don’t want a boyfriend who is in his 30’s who still lives at home but other people seem to think it’s normal so now I’m scared I’ve made a mistake. If the two of you were a bad match, you'll feel better about it in a lil while and will someday even think back on it with deep cringe once you meet someone you're actually a good match with. This is conversation you need to have with him. But we were just burned out. I had an actor boyfriend I broke up with who live in my house and paid no bills. Idk how to cope. Following some posts in this subreddit, I made the awful decision to end things with my boyfriend. Thanks for all the kind words. listen to break up music that makes you dance (i used Miley’s Flowers because it is very danceable. I met my boyfriend (or ex) in my workplace, it was love at first sight fro him and he pursued me for 9 months before I finally said yes. But this time that’s not Cut contact with your ex. Now I know it's just a relapse, which will happen now and then until adequate time has passed. Over the past year there were some developments that gave me doubts about breaking up. When we started dating TLDR; boyfriend killed himself few days after breaking up; history of mental illness w/ him & him denying it and never getting treatment, rough/toxic relationship the last ~2. I broke up with my boyfriend because he was too good for me. We had a solid relationship, and he is an absolute angel. He’s currently a student, so I I broke up with my boyfriend because of his views on cheating. It's basic boring brain chemistry acting up. recently i (20f) broke up with my boyfriend (20m) of two years because i felt as though i wasn’t at the same level of dedication in the relationship he was. So to answer your question, yes, it is okay to break up with him if you no longer want to be in a relationship with him. Instead of leaving your bf I would recommend starting therapy, if you have the possibility of paying for it. He wants to live off of mom and dad, thinks he is too good for hard work that isn't his ideal job and isn't ready to build a future with anyone. It was my first relationship and I fell very hard. r/BreakUps. We were and still are incredibly compatible. I’m in the same situation as the dumper. You're ready to work hard, build a future and be responsible with money including spending it on enjoyable experiences. I did it over text message which wasn’t great, but when I told him he asked why then said okay. I (F15) broke up with my boyfriend last night. I broke up with me bc this was the second time I caught him cheating on me with the same person. vt tz lh zz gm go us jp zm ha