I know I shouldn’t be reading so much into it but it’s been 6 weeks since the BU and my ex still follows me on snap, tiktok, and he hasn’t started following anyone new on instagram. if sometime in the future you reconcile as friends or even as a couple a follow takes one button. Should I ask her to mute or block him. These things are harder than that. My long term ex girlfriend still has our anniversary posts and a handful of photos of us on Facebook wheras my last girlfriend deleted the existence of our entire relationship immediately after breaking up. We had been dating 9 months and when I called him out on it he said that he loves me, but he loved her way more. They left, respect their decision, they're afterall an ex. and it feels fucking good. Normally this isn’t something I’d be worried about. Now, to my knowledge, she hasn't done anything or talked to him in at least 2 months. Be honest about what happened and how it made you feel. What makes this extra weird is she unfollowed me after the break up, followed me back after a couple months, then unfollowed me AGAIN. The ex I have before my last, I had him blocked on social media for over 6 yrs. The ones who you aren't romantic with but will always be there for you. But I like those pictures and they represent my life at the time. She unblocked me on instagram. The thing is he's probably in the stage of curiosity. I couldn't shake thoughts of my ex. At the very beginning of our relationship he left me for his ex who he had been with for a year. But I just don’t care, and that feels good. If you don’t trust your girlfriend, why are you dating her? Girlfriend following ex on Instagram. My [25M] girlfriend [24F] monitors my Instagram. Until he just blocked me. I figured if we were going to give a relationship a shot, this was finally something I could bring up without feeling like I’m unfairly “putting boyfriend expectations on him”. I don’t know why she followed me, especially since I’m more than My girlfriend of six months [22F] follows her ex on social media. So right now i am shaking with saddness. I'd accept if he likes a few often, but he has a like on all of her pictures :(( Regardless of how "over her" he is, she is still an integral part of his past, and it would be completely reasonable that they would still be in touch after having such an intense and close bond. This is a small update of my last post. Hi y’all. While I really wanted to stop stalking my ex-girlfriend I just saw that my ex just unblocked me from instagram after 2. When I opened up to her about my feelings and asked her to stop following him on social media she made big issue about it and that made me a lot insecure because it seems she prefers to hurt my feelings than stop having her ex on social media. I’m really sorry, and I’ve been there before too. Throwaway account. You need to get completely over her and by checking up on her you're just not letting the wound heal. Social media, maybe she forgot to remove you, maybe she never scrolls social media, maybe she is hoping that your life will fall apart. It always takes a while to get the emotions and feelings away of a person once you loved. I wouldn't put much on it. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. We don’t speak or anything. It’s the number one way to heal from a breakup: no contact. One of my ex boyfriends kept texting and looking at his ex girlfriend’s pictures online. I suggest block em off social media but do whatever with the number. You have to be really careful or else this could be a heartbreak waiting to happen. 3. He ended up immediately coming back to me and a couple months later she tried to get a hold of him but he blocked her on everything. If I upload a photo, she’ll watch every single like that comes in over a few days. My ex and I have been broken up for almost two months now. stick to your guns and don’t accept it. Like I forget my exes exist when I find someone new and I never think of following them on Instagram. ADMIN MOD. . And i thought it was the end of that Today i was rereading some old texts of hers and mine and came across that one. •. I said "why is it not ok for me to follow these people, who i slept with once and mean nothing to me, when you still follow your ex (muslim man - potential for future i guess) who you were in love with. Do not post content that promotes hate based on identity or vulnerability. We broke up a month ago because of his nonstop habits with instagram and Yelp and Reddit. Would I be seem insecure if I ask her to take it down. It did take me a while to get over him but once I did, I still kept him blocked the whole time. Just cause he has a girlfriend doesn't mean he's not thinking about you. She deleted them and looks like unfollowed him but still allows him to follow her (I have a burner account and can see this activity). Hello, the other day I woke up to something really weird. I met my bf online and we been together for a year. What’s your experience of this? Should I be concerned? Should I ask her? I mean it could mean nothing to him but it obviously won't feel nice to you. You’re so right. Okay so, me and my boyfriend have been together for almost two years. You'll dodge any crazy-ex bullets heading your way, and if there aren't any crazy bullets, you'll be giving her some grace by not giving her the material she wants to analyse to pick herself apart. However, we still followed each other on social media, and once every few months, we'd send a text message to each other. the ex seems confused. 8. So, a few days ago while I was at work, I got an Instagram notification that someone had followed me, and once I reread who it was a second time (I was honestly in disbelief a bit and got more worried than I already have been), I realized it was my ex’s new girlfriend. I decided to get nosy and yeah, she still follows them. This wont stop them from watching sometimes. Still, you may not have a MattyHatesYou. Reply. I broke up with (dumped ) my ex for valid reasons. ago. Due to recent "oops, I accidentally liked your photo from 184 weeks ago" or "oops, I accidentally followed you on Instagram, but then I was embarrassed so I immediately unfollowed and blocked you" type of mistakes, it's clear that my ex's girlfriend my boyfriend (m 22) and i (f 20) got into a heated argument recently, where i was in the wrong greatly and it almost destroyed our relationship. First of all it's kind of odd that you have a fake Instagram to check up on your ex. I know I'm good looking, I have my shit together and I'm generally not I have an ex-girlfriend who still follows me on Instagram (I don't follow her), and my girlfriend began searching for my ex-girlfriends among my followers. Depending on how bad the break up was I don’t think it’s wrong to still follow her on Instagram, I just feel like if you unfollow her you’re saying something Reply reply Appropriate-Sun834 . time to heal & focus on yourself & the people whom mean the most. To be clear, I am not friends and have never been friends with an Ex before, and I don't think you can be friends with someone you've had sex with previously. Be polite, warm, like you’re talking to an old friend. His ex girlfriend from a few years ago follows him on Instagram, and will occasionally like his photos. Also, don’t bring up the Feb 20, 2019 路 Try to put the situation out of your mind, and definitely address it with your partner if it continues to make you upset. I’ve (M32) been dating someone (F29) for a few months, but we’ve known each other for about a year. He still thinks about you don't forget that. I am a big believer that ex's can remain cordial and stay in contact. If you and your ex were friends, and he wanted you two to be friends, the introduction would have been made through him. After that they saw each other one more time and have never been in contact afterwards. Also, your ex Gf definitely noticed that you’re liking her pics while in a new relationship, so she also prob thinks you still have feelings for her too. I saw her liked multiple posts on her page, even now while we’re together, and I asked him about her, he said he knows her from tinder. As long as everything is platonic and appropriate then i don’t see the problem. My girlfriend doesn’t like that I still follow people I’ve hooked up with on Instagram. But on the girl’s instagram, my girlfriend likes her selfies and posts. I think platonic friends of the opposite sex are totally okay and I have quite a few women I am Jan 22, 2024 路 iStock. for myself personally. The breakup was rather awkward and complicated. I follow one on IG but he’s posted once in like five years lol. About a week ago something just told me to download it, make a fake account, and see whats happening (I know its very wrong). My second ex we still follow each other and talk regularly and hangout. She watches who likes my photos and who I follow. However, I have noticed that my she still likes her ex's posts on social media. My boyfriend (m20) and i (f21) have been together for 5 months. Again, this would not bother me as much if it was few in between and not a constant Let me be clear, i wouldn’t be so angry if he was still following a lot of people but when we started getting serious (without me even asking) he unfollowed a lot of people off his instagram but recently i found out he didn’t unfollow his exes account or her finsta. It doesn't sit right with me. I’m still crazy about her , we’ve always had a great relationship, we broke up and great terms , and me and her family have always had a great sydestar1. Got no reason to believe that she is actively in contact with her ex boyfriends, i don’t suspect she is messaging them. She’s very beautiful and has 101k followers on Instagram. My ex had requested to follow me on social media after we haven't spoke in almost a year or so. It’s just social media…. It does concern me she is still fb friends and follows a few of her exes on instagram. Now I don't know what to think. You're not in a good headspace. Why re-follow an ex after months of a break up and having a new significant other. Also while it may not bother YOU that she follows her exes, it does bother her that you follow yours. Same reason my family still has her on social media. -1. Some of these expert "get your ex back coaches" can F' off with their manipulative crap. So fastforward to a month later, we are now together and suddenly she posts something which I am pretty sure was related to her ex. Now 6 months later she's requested to follow me once He didn’t “completely move on. And i cant even think of words good. Inevitably, she eventually finds a problem - “who is X Girlfriend (F24) is still friendly with her ex, and I (M24) am uncomfortable with it. So here’s some scenarios, 1. Fast forward to 2020 where I enter the My [37] GF’s [29] ex still follows her on social media and watches her IG stories. Fast forward a year later: she unfollowed me on social media. She was dating someone else for those two years but I think they broke up. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Do you have any idea why? You allowing them to view your stories gives them the opportunity to still be involved in your life and move on without feeling much no contact gives them exactly what they asked for LIFE WITHOUT US give them a taste they will surely be back at some point. We have a really good relationship and we respect our boundaries, I think we had just one small fight the entire relationship because usually we discuss things —- **TL;DR - My boyfriend got a comment from his ex on a post and he engaged with her on dm’s As for like high school exes, yes, we are Facebook friends since it was over a decade ago we dated. my boyfriend gets really upset when my ex attempts to follow me on social media and will lash out at me about it, says he gonna go follow his, etc. Me (23M) and my girlfriend (24f) have been in relationship for 3. Honestly, I didn't care that she was still there and didn't pay much attention to it My ex continued to follow me on insta for a year after, 7 months NC. Now that I know he’s dating again, part of me wants to reach out to her to warn her about him, but I know I would just become “the crazy My boyfriend and I have been together for ten months. Obviously I don't condone it, but it really showed me how men can really be. I've been dating this guys for 10 months me 26F him 32M. Almost 3 weeks since she dumped me and I’m starting to move on and feel like myself I have him blocked on everything else) so this weekend, while I was staying at Marks place, I directly asked Mark why he was still following Butthead on Instagram. Then concern happens when he's wondering why you're not reaching out. Me and my ex ended up on good terms though we never talked after the breakup I still used to follow her on insta and she did too. Love what you had ti say about this. None of them are big social media guys, though, so there’s not much to see. we told eachother everything and i felt On the other hand though. He would follow diff hot females or just in general go looking for accounts to look at their photos. Some of his family still follow her but she doesn’t My childhood friend got in a relationship with a girl, and he was still following girls he found attractive. She unfriended me on snapchat but i didn’t really care. Focus on if she’s invested in you and the relationship. 1. Which by the way, is usually fine by me [22M]. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. She says that my Instagram profile looks more like a dating app and is disproportionally full of girls. My significant other follows her ex boyfriend too and the same thing occurs. My (19M) girlfriend (19F) still has her ex boyfriend post up on instagram and has had it up the 7 months we’ve been together. I recently discovered by accident that my bf still follows ex hookups on social media. My bf followed her on Instagram a few months ago but she didn’t follow him back. But it means he’s starting to, and wants to. The problem is she broke up 3 months ago and is already in a new relationship. YahBoiMinii. Meanwhile, she doesnt like my posts, selfies, and does not even “show me off”. Was this his most recent ex? She was his most recent ex and they ended in good terms which is good. She may just want to communicate with her friend but doesn't want to deal with your reactions so is trying to hide it. I realized maybe I had overreacted. Since you haven't been speaking you have no idea. Keeps you from over pursuing. Instagram is literally a digital scrapbook/ timeline. Plus this isn’t a platonic female friend or someone random, you had a history with this person. It made me feel like we still appreciated and had a fondness for each other. You can do this 馃檶. Otherwise it's probably for the best stay in the present let the past go. He told me he doesn't see any spark and he doesn't want to leads me on. Here are this week’s questions. Reading your post helped me. Ripping the bandaid off is gonna hurt like hell but the wound you have in your heart will heal so much faster the second you cut her out of your life and realize that she's using you. Before we even got together, my girlfriend has been talking about this guy she hooked up with before we got together and had doubts about whether she still liked him or not. Like 5 months into our relationship I saw her Instagram and I told her I don’t feel comfortable with her having relationship type pictures with her ex especially when she seems so concerned where he is in life. The only reasons she’d do this are 1) it’s too painful for her to look at what I’m doing or 2) she’s trying to get a reaction out of me. If you were cool with everything, she wouldn't have to hide. I am in no way attached to him and we had a very bad breakup actually. I've had it at this point because i'm trying to cook us dinner and stop a fight about nothing. My ex’s younger sister’s friend followed me shortly before our breakup and since the breakup was watching all my stories almost immediately when I posted them. [deleted] •. I don't see how still following each other on instagram and still having old pictures on there would suggest he's not ready to move on. His recent ex girlfriend is a model and is in one of his music videos. Since you’re looking to reconcile, don’t ignore her when she messages. So i followed her back and messaged her asking how shes been doing because in all honesty ive been curious as to how shes been post break up My ex is the same and he’s well into his late 40s. Ill unfollow them i dont talk to any of them anyway”. when i brought this up, he said he did it deliberately to upset and anger me. Aug 3, 2020 路 In this week’s problem page, when your girlfriend still follows her ex on social media, dealing with bullies and how to get someone out of your house when they just won’t leave. So after 3 years we broke up because she didnt feel in love anymore. But keep in mind, "if [your partner cares] enough to go out of their way to look at the page, there’s a high chance they’re still attached to their Is there any reasonable reason to still follow your ex on Instagram My(19f) boyfriend(21m) have been officially together for just over 6 months now. She's with you, not him. When I would ask him; he told me that he doesn't want to stay with his girlfriend forever or plan to marry her. It could cause you more pain following their manipulative She said thats okay, only her and one ex follow each other. I found out he follows a lot of pornstars and profiles of skimpily clad About a week ago after 6 months of no communication she randomly requested me and instagram and this completely shocked me because i hadnt even so much as seen a picture of her in the past 6 months. If anything, it shows maturity and growth. On two separate instagram accounts of mine - AND my husband’s account. for brief context, im not necessarily a stalker/lurker, i used to work with her before my boyfriend and i started dating, but her and i never Long post - apologies. like a ‘you hurt me so i’m She kicked you off her followers so you couldn't see what she's doing, while she still follows you so she can keep tabs. 5 months now She was involved with her ex (prob 26M) in on again and off again relationship for 9 months, she is very mature, understanding, loyal and caring to me but once in a while she praises her ex It means nothing. You either trust her or you don't. were working on it and we’re all good now, but while we were on a break, he followed his ex back after she followed him a few days earlier. I look very similar to his exes too, blonde hair light eyes. Instead of her liking all of his pictures despite him seemingly not wanting anything to do with her. My GF wants me to unfollow people on Instagram. Personally, I consider it to be virtual flirting. And according to my girlfriend: “I have no desire to. A subreddit for folks nearing or over 30 who are looking for dating advice. Salt_Chip_6072. My ex's [31M] girlfriend [30F] is still obsessed with me [30F] - YEARS later. Ive been getting much better over the past 2 months, with no contact, and ive gotten a promotion and have been The answer is, Yes, if he’s aware of them. Idk if it helps but coming from a woman she probably knows that you’d notice it and it could be a sign she wants you to contact her, or she thinks you’ll try to see what she’s up to, trying to show you something, etc. And in her words “thats fine. I wouldn’t sweat it, we put far too much emphasis on followers and digital friends. I briefly asked her and she confirmed it Girlfriend still has pics of her and her ex on Insta. still following the ex on instagram this might be a long one so if anyone has the spare time to read i would greatly appreciate it i (F21) first started seeing my now ex (M26) last year in august, we literally clicked instantly and it felt like we were dating within the first 2 weeks of seeing eachother. Personal issues. I feel disrespected and so It was extremely painful and it took me years to move on, and for nothing because his ex did the exact same thing she did before, once she got him back. There’s a long story in here that I’m skipping, but I eventually messaged her and asked if she was spying on them for my ex, and she said she just My F [23] BF M [23] family likes his ex pictures on Instagram. Instagram may only allow for "heart" reactions. We (25M & 22F) have been dating for around 7 months now. If you have any questions, please send the mods a message. So my girlfriend has this one ex she never really got over. I followed her Ending on good terms and offering friendship at the end means there were unresolved feelings there. I still follow some exes but I never unfollowed them in the first place… I would never refollow the others unless I wanted to weasel my way back in Just tell me when you do". Talk to him about it and make him understand that it bothers you. Feb 20, 2024 路 But when you realize, “Um, my boyfriend follows his ex on Instagram,” or, “My girlfriend follows her ex on Instagram,” then things might get a little more complicated. I’m friends with all of them on FB. we met right after they split and decided to not date her because of YTA. I feel like if she didn’t care she’d keep you blocked. I want to ask her about it but scared of appearing insecure. My ex dumped me about 4 months ago after nearly 3 years together and I unfollowed and removed him as a follower on all socials within a week of the break up. Mostly so that he wouldn't message me while I was with my current ex. He started at the relief stage when he broke up with you. I’ve been with a bunch of other girls including some her friends but i never really thought about her. my gf called me today and asked me to unfollow her and when I asked her what was wrong with me following her, she ended up guilt tripping me and telling me how I am a bad boyfriend and how I don't respect her. Mine follows me too. It was weeks into our break up and he's unfollowed me. When I asked her why she likes her posts and selfies, my girlfriend doesnt see anything wrong in it. He hadn’t told me anything about his past except for the fact he had a girlfriend for 2 years in highschool. I brought it up once and he said I had nothing to worry about. If you want her back, follow her back and see if she messages you first but do not message her first - even if you have to wait another 3 months. I think he was trying to have backup options. Being friends with exes is usually damaging btw. Additionally, a week ago he said my name is very similar to his ex- it’s only different by one letter. I only know about this one girl which was suggested by instagram for me. Award. RESOLVED! I told him about my feelings and he said it was valid so he blocked her on both Facebook/Instagram So my boyfriend (25M) dated his ex for almost 2 years from like 2020-2022 and he stated that his relationship turned super toxic were she gaslighted him etc. 5 years and I never post about her even Feb 20, 2024 路 Curiosity is a big one. I know he’s not cheating on me. “If the Her trying to hide something may just be a reaction to your actions. She dated her (gf is bi) between 2001 and 2005. Glad to hear you have a bf who’s not like this. Ex’s (f 20) mom watching my Instagram story but is not a follower. I found out my bf follows a lot of girls on social media. I bounced his follow, and unfriended him on Fb. She realized that my ex was following me, got upset with me, and asked why I still had her as a follower. But this morning he woke up and opened Instagram and his ex was the third account to show up and he viewed her story. 5 months of breakup and 1. Again, I can’t see any reason why she would follow us as we have never met, have nothing in common, and live half a world apart. My boyfriend is a 26(M), and we have been dating for two years. This wouldn’t be a problem, if she didn’t sleep with my boyfriend during a brief period when we broke up. I am so heartbroken over this. It means she’s curious, but until she messages you directly, assume she isn’t ready or the attraction isn’t high enough and stay in no contact. Talking everyday and heart eyes is a bit much Posted by u/SockHead1417 - 1 vote and 35 comments my (22f) boyfriend (26m) still follows his ex(es) on social media; what to think about a month ago i was scrolling through instagram and my boyfriends ex-girlfriend’s account was suggested to me. So about a year and a half ago my ex girlfriend broke up with me. We met on an exchange and are now long distance. It really just bothers me that he still likes pictures of her, like just selfies of her. If your girlfriend is talking to her exes on social media, that could be cause for concern, but there’s nothing wrong with remaining Facebook friends or whatever. My ex unfollowed me on Instagram today. 7 Significant Reasons to Unfollow Your Former Significant Other on Instagram. You can check my post history for a more in-depth backstory, but basically she still has feelings for her ex, Tom. And so now he's in the curiosity stage so he r/ExNoContact. He asked me for time and space, but I have reached out a few times over text, voicemail, and have sent the occasional depressing tiktok about my feelings for him. We've been dating almost two years and i have no reason to believe she still has feelings foe him, something about it bothers me though. It hurt a little, but I understand. • 1 yr. Now that’s going to cause a whiplash in you because you had access to him all this time, but now you don’t. Haven’t spoke in about a month. Simply asking him to stop and not giving him a good reason is merely controlling. Today I went through his instagram followers and saw her. And to this day, he still searches my name and watches all of my stories. He deleted me off every social media and my numbers so I followed suit once I started to notice. I recently made my Instagram public . I feel like it would be less weird if it were mutual. They broke up…. My (34F) boyfriend (30M) still follows his ex on IG. Closure is another. He follows a LOT of women, pretty women, from around town. I checked my Ex's Instagram after No contact for two months, bad decision. Then we started dating. We were cuddling on the couch while she was looking through the people who viewed her IG story. It’s just 3 months she broke up with her ex, friggin 3 months only. Some are from a family wedding, others from my birthday and other milestones. I have insecurities with his Instagram. I still follow the brothers and sister of my ex bf from high school on Instagram only because I dated him for almost 4 years and became really good friends with his brother and sister. If he doesn’t want to look after your issues, he should move on. I don't understand. That hurt a lot, so I know what you’re going through. I tried to win her back but it didnt work out, so i moved on. Do you want her back or do you want to heal? If you want to heal, stay no contact, there’s no such thing as closure. Do not bully or harass other users. Recently I noticed how many insta models and OF girls and the like that he followed and I told him that it made me uncomfortable. It really depends what your objective is. Reply reply. I liked knowing we were still following each other. She wants to see what you’re doing to the point she follows you 2. He is a mild mannered man, he has a stable job, doesn't smoke or drink, is an introvert. My bf even made her a love song before we met, because she went through an abusive relationship in the past. Apparently they dont talk anymor. After being SO incredibly available for my DA ex for a year and wanting him to do things and travel with me (he didn't want to with me but did his own thing), I started posting all my travels since the breakup - on HIS fave social media (funny that it's instagram, too). “It might be in their wallet, on their desk, or somewhere more hidden than that My ex unfollowed me on instagram but still views my story. Last week, someone mentioned him to her at work, and she got really sad. • 3 yr. Last week, my girlfriend broke up with me saying that I’m the nicest guy she ever met but she doesn’t deserve me, but her Follow reddit rules. I would like to clarify I dont have instagram, and he does. We broke up for a few months but have been back together for 2 1/2 months so far. Jan 6, 2022 路 This one is pretty obvious, but if your partner still keeps photos of their ex around, they’re not over them. She doesn't follow him, and made the first move to delete him from Facebook. ”. But if he doesn’t know about them, there’s no reason for him to quit living as he pleases. Only recently did I unblock him, now that I'm single. I am a 23(F). but i don’t think it’s a problem. 5 years of a healthy relationship. She’ll also then check to see out of those likes, which ones I follow. About a month ago I got damp by a guy I had been seeing for 2 months. I still have pics of my ex on my Insta. I still have this strong gut feeling and I don't know how to approach the problem PS. she had a really hard break up w her ex of 3 years and has had a hard time feeling like she’s her own person again. They are memories. She’s also upset because we’ve been together 1. He is a musician and he also has a few music videos out on YouTube. " The tears started. They’ve been broken up for a little over a year and he still calls her to this day but she won’t respond. Block my dude. My bf and one of his ex’s have been broken up for over two years. He also… My first ex said he wouldn’t be able to even consider a type of friendship post breakup. I saw her ex’s name as one of the viewers and asked her about it. TLDR; I found out that my girlfriend still talk to her ex and he likes her bikini photos on Instagram. 21. kq ft fb qe py cd rg tv zf px