I divorced my ex wife over 5 years ago for repeatedly cheating on me with over 13 different men and 2 women. Welcome to Surviving Infidelity. I found out two weeks ago that my wife cheated on me. My wife (29f) and I (34m) have been married for 4 years, and up until a year and a half ago, things were fantastic. Because at the end of the day it’s her who married you for money. Found some guy nuzzling her neck and her giggling. There have been a couple of stories related to this issue. I've got to endure a bit more than a year of this broken marriage, pretend that I don't know what she is doing, and keep things civil. Mari my wife suffered a crushed shoulder, broken collar bone, three broken ribs and a collapsed lung. I didn't want kids and I loved our Need a bit more time to think, need to talk to my Wife and really find out what's going on. Also let's stop with this "they made a mistake" nonsense. the most powerful is the 1 who has the least to lose. Short recap. 3. Congratulations on your freedom. So, after telling my Ex (29F) that we were getting a divorce, the gaslighting went into overdrive. I’m m (25) and she’s f (25) also. I (a guy) am married to a women. It was a 4 month EA turned 1 month PA. She begged for me not to file for divorce and given that I don't exactly have time to deal with this, told her that I'm only giving her one last chance. I just need to share this somewhere before everything goes to hell. Left her for good in September. She confessed everything a month ago, showed me she had blocked the guy on everything and that in their This, right here. I did get her to agree to letting half the child support go into Session two: Transparency is abysmal, in fact my wife has turned off location sharing on all devices and changed all her passwords to everything. My (35m) wife (35f) and I were married ten years ago yesterday. Reply reply. No cheating, nothing like that, we were just yelling and fighting every single day. #1 · Mar 6, 2019. During the time I found out about the affair, I took a leave of absence from my job of 17yrs to "fix" my Here’s the short of it: Together since 9th grade, 14yo. Now they are going to uni and I think it is a good time to move on. Our relationship seems to actually have gotten stronger since this whole thing. Just wondering how many people have stayed together for the kids or ended the relationship. We were married for about 15 years when suddenly she started talking about unfulfilled dreams and wanting freedom. Well after a month of her confession of her cheating the D papers were served to her today. Me (52M) and my (50F) wife have been married for 25 years, and are immensely happy. This was very counter to our pre-marital discussions where she indicated she wanted a kid, but was ultimately interested in her career and wouldn't have any interest in being a SAHM. She’s been SAHM, we have 2 young kids, she is trying to get alimony & CS. I can get over her at some point. Filed for divorce about a month ago. Wife agreed to do the test and then presented him with divorce papers. Right, where to begin? The STBXW and I were together for over 25 years, 22 of those married. They have kids and he probably wants to make their mom look like the bad guy. *Nearly Let's take a hypothetical situation. 21 posts · Joined 2019. and the end result if you take her back is you posting here that she cheated for the second time. Then I remembered that many people go through life without ever cheating on their partner. Sorry if this is a little long. Happily, only about three percent of couples that get together through cheating will have a long term relationship that lasts. BigSpring54. Oddly, it was also said that 80% percent of the people that get cheated on never find out and that one third of all married people will sooner or later cheat on their partner. My wife cheated on me 4 years ago with a younger guy (29m) who was her colleague. Now it's progressed to a place that it's feeling a bit too private for me to share, and the above update was a bit tougher to write. She swore it was the only time she cheated. I had full custody of my son as X was nowhere in the picture but now she is back so i dont know if my full custody will be maintained or not. every relationship has a power dynamic. We've been married for 8 years but have known each other for 25 years. Tell the truth about her cheating being the reason for the end of your marriage. A year after the divorce my ex-wife came to visit the kids and begged for me to talk to her as I was NC on any topic not about the kids. I love seeing my kids and being with them. Long story short, I left her after she basically had an exit affair. She regrets it. First of all. Kids are 5 and 3. Married at 24. tale as old as time. 3 years long affair is not a mistake. I ghosted my wife. We were together 20 years, married for 15 with 2 kids. I tried to reconcile for 14 months. Our kids were teenagers. We were both traumatized and the trip back home next day was absolute silence and sadness. Nothing was ever good enough so I kept working harder but still the same results to her. To the person still reading this, that might of been in my shoes, you deserve better. This happened 10 years ago and did not divorce as we had two young daughters. I (50m) want to divorce my wife (37f) after I found out she had a second affair in our almost eight years of marriage. She wanted the same old mundane thing. I think she dont know as she was knowhere to be located. She had an affair in November, ended it in December, could have kept it under wraps but felt the guilt and decided I had to know the truth. I saw that her apology, her efforts, everything she had done was genuine. After 12 years and two kids together she cheated with a coworker, left me for him. If you stay with her you will end up feeling stuck, and hating yourself for it. One day I called the family together and told the kids what was happening. Yeah a lot of girls do that, I found out my ex of 5 years was cheating on me for 6 months and broke it off in on christmas eve (which made me look like the asshole anyways) but yeah she went around (small town) telling everyone that I cheated, even made an instagram post about it cause I went to a NYE party (she was very immature). My situation is a little different in that my wife of 7 years has come to realize she gay. TL;DR. She said she wants to talk with me about it with her lawyer in the room. Using a throwaway because I just need advice. The custody and support didn't go as well as I had hoped, but I figured a best case scenario was just that, a best case. Instead it should be more like 75-25 in my favor. (People usually like my answers, this one may not go over so well, we'll see. We had been together for 7 years, married 3. Mar 6, 2019 ยท Fabio Discussion starter. We literally know everything about each other and families. She was absolutely overcome with sadness and depression. I came out with only a few cuts and bruises. Update- I have decided to separate for a month and try to get my thoughts together. It was hell on earth. Also I would like to give my 2 cents about relationships. Our marriage began to deteriorate after Soon to be ex wife wants to reconcile. My daughter is doing a lot better. We have 2 little girls. You have tried to make it easy on her but if she refuses to accept reality then take off the gloves. We have to accept reality. Had my friend follow her while she was away on school clinical and he found her on a date with the guy and then all the friends got drunk at his place and she stayed the night. Divorce final March 2020. Excited about signing them documents fam! My kids and I have been doing really well. I hate hate hate how true this is. Married 17 years (42m / 41f). Leaving my cheating wife debt free. It’s been a long while, so I figured I’d give you guys a one last update. " It's a series of deliberate and malicious decisions. So I have two kids, and because of the nature of how I caught her cheating, I got 50/50 custody. It must be a relationship thing. You might consider waiting until your divorce is settled. My Foster dad got divorced from his wife while I was living with him. First let me say my wife is not struggling with any issues that i am aware of and we have known each other since grade school. Everyone told me that she would regret what she was doing, but she was so cold and sure that I was the one who ended up filing. In order to get that you and your wife need to AGREE on how assets get split. In that moment I understood that my wife was truly remorseful and loved me beyond measure. This is a support sub, a safe place to ask for advice and guidance. Wife of 15 years cheated with two of my close friends. Yesterday about 7:30AM my wife and I were involved in a wreck. I'm 33 and my wife is 32. We divorced a year ago, and it destroyed me. Tl;Dr yesterday was our 10 year anniversary. Although I would actually be back in Hong Kong on Saturday, I Funny how you act like she loved her family so much. Let me give you a run down of the laws around divorce where we lived at the time. Contact an attorney and get the divorce papers drawn up and served. Recently she was out of town for three weeks on business. Aren't I clumsy. We did My wife took maternity leave then just decided she didn't want to go back to work and that her dream was suddenly to be a SAHM. The rest of it is under her control. We have been married for 15 years and have two kids 8 and 10. Some background- I was married to my ex for 18 years. Your love level for her is high at the moment (thank you brain chemicals), but your respect for her is swirling in the flush. 20 years marriage and an 8 yo kid, it was a big shock out of nowhere. It’s not ADMIN MOD. When she looks to sees the better you she cast aside for her AP, you will be far out of her reach. Still to this day she says I decided we was over and I started my new life with this loser of a guy. We’ve been married for 6 years, together for 12. ) Cheating ex asks for an open relationship and that'll fix everything. ADMIN MOD. Found out my wife cheating on me. Any more of this rubbish and this marriage is no longer! During my last shift, I decided to give my wife a surprise bouquet. If you're here, it's because you are surviving, or have survived, infidelity in a relationship that you thought was life-long. UPDATE 2: beloved wife cheated and my daughter isn’t mine. Second is that I have written L instead of M by mistake. Lost them too. I still have moments where Im confused, hurt, scared, but they are getting few and farther between. Long story short I was very depressed for a year and she assumed I checked out and lost feelings. Kind of started off in the wrong order but we slowly got our lives on track. She had cheated on him, become a severe alcoholic, and heavily bullied their only daughter. I love my wife. I (29M) know it has been a while since I last posted here, but I wanted to provide one final update on my story since you were all so helpful during this process. I guess I’ll start with the history. ) Okay, I'm going to preface this with two things: I fell in love with someone else when I was married the first time, and it eventually led to a divorce and 2) I got actually, really cheated on by my 2nd wife and that led to divorce. I don't regret the clarity I received from my affair. It's cheating and an affair. The fact is she wasn't even a bad wife. We of course have the normal fights: me not cleaning the bathroom, argue about me losing money on sports betting, her spending twice as much at the shops as we a yes its common. We’ve known each other since we were teens. I had suspicions for a while and finally looked at her phone and seen the proof (very graphic proof). Said no contact and she lied and lied and kept contact. No. She denied her affair to you multiple times. To give you some background, my ex and I used to be swingers until the last year of our marriage. Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help! (33m) (34f) My wife cheated 10 years ago I am thinking about divorce. This is my first time posting so apologies if I did this wrong. Brought flowers to wifes office. You need her to run to him for comfort during the negotiations. And no. Wife (37f) and I (29m) have been together 7 years (2 kids). Update on Cheating Wife Who Wouldn't Agree to Divorce. An "agreed divorce" is the least costly, fastest, and lowest conflict. Cheated on me for years and ended up divorcing me for someone else. The last fifteen months have been heartbreaking, to say the least. (oh ok, how dare I ask for such a thing when she's so damaged and in mourning. You don’t have to tell anyone when you found out, just tell them that you found out. Both parties need to agree to the divorce My wife and I were physically but not legally separated. Cheating isn't a "whoops we had sex. We kind of lived together but grew apart as partners. In the meantime rely on your family and friends to help you thru this. Well, my divorce is final. . It hit my confidence as a man hard. We have not had sex in a while. - but overall ha My wife was texting her ex , found out she cheated on her other ex with him. Ah, yes, I already presented the notarized and signed divorce papers to public records, my status should change to divorced in less than two weeks, I don't know how my ex-wife is doing, I haven't called her, but at least she has her dad to support her. The last 4 weeks or so she has been putting in extra time, staying I found out my wife was cheating on me on Reddit. Cheating "generally" doesn't matter, but you should keep what you have in terms of proof. And that is my situation. 2 guys. First off this story occurred MANY years ago. Get into some counseling it will help you. The sole purpose of me being a stay at home dad was because we were dead broke and Backstory. You’re very angry now and rightfully so you’ve been betrayed in the worst possible way. TDLR: I'm divorcing my wife after she confesed she cheated on me almost a decade ago. Ive made an effort and fought to keep our marriage but now realize it just can't be. You don't have to make any decisions right away. She didn’t want that. I wanted to try and salvage it before throwing it all away. Put your TRUE cheating stories here. She has been working on a big project for the last few months. Their actions have consequences. Tl;Dr says it all. M (50) wife cheated with two close friends. Ended when I divorced her for cheating. We had our first kid when we were 18, then got married at 22 and had our second. When he found about about her cheating on him and using him for his money, he tried coming back asking for marriage counseling. My wife and I have been separated for a month. until I told her we don’t have money for attorneys. I just found out today she’s been cheating on me the last 6 months with multiple guys. Divorced my ex-wife when I caught her cheating and she remarried a year later. My wife refuses to accept our divorce and I think she's trying to trick me. They expect her to fully recover but for now they have her heavily sedated. But the moment he is settled in at kindergarden, when he is two years old, I'll divorce my wife and try to get custody of my boy. I cannot forgive my wife for her one night stand. Hey everyone. I just had no more connection with her. Final Update: I got a divorce and I'm moving on. We had been together since I was 19 yo and we have two wonderful daughters together (9f and 6f). Regardless of your decision to stay in your relationship or to go, we are here to support you on your path to recovery ThrowRAelextric1212. She immediately told me she wants divorce. We of course have the normal fights: me not cleaning the bathroom, argue about me losing money on sports betting, her spending twice as much at the shops as we agreed to, etc. Im on a MUCH better path, and feel optimistic for the first time in a long time. My wife and I are not wealthy at all so it’s not like she can provide an allowance for me or give me alimony. Prior to this, there were no infidelities or large problems. cheating wife | Caught Her Cheating My Wife's Lies and Betrayal Exposed | reddit stories | audio stories | Soulful Love Chronicles I divorced my ex-wife for Welcome to Surviving Infidelity. 1) the husband/OP insisted on a paternity test even though they were happily married for a long time. We have been married for only five months, but have lived together for a total of seven years prior to that and dated for a year before moving in together. That fog will lift and they will find that they are in a relationship with a lying cheater that cannot be trusted. I (40m) just found out (2 hours ago) my wife (45f) has been cheating on me. Lucky-Boot-6160. For my wife’s new job requires her to travel on occasion. Life After Divorce. Me and my buddy got a house together. I believed that she would certainly erase her crime if she could. She had to actively choose to cheat. Yup. My wife offered to let me cheat if I called off the divorce. But I love my son (5) to death and him growing either First is that I have divorced her before marrying M. About 2 months ago, i came home and found my wife and 6 months old daughter on the couch. and honestly for a few days I’ve been considering a permanent arrangement. I found the messages between her and the AP. She thought it will easy and fast divorce…. While this might sound incredulous to some folks, any love I had for my ex-wife was pretty much killed when I found out about her cheating and the details behind it. I told her I won’t loose our home, I will refinance and pay her out. A lot of them were rocky , she was a drill Sargent type. Everything, including conversations with his wife, indicated that it was almost exclusively emotional and did not involve actual sex. We ask that you please read our sub rules before posting. The ground isnt far, step off the ladder. Rant. She lamented her cheating, her cruelty, her constant fault-finding, but mostly she said she missed my friendship and could we please try again. Apparently more that her. Yet downplay the fact that she was cheating on said family. The final straw for Kevin (my foster dad) was her saying "its me or the kids" - she meant the kids he took in. One teenage daughter. We’ve been in house separated for 1 1/2 months. Solid marriage throughout with a few bumps here and there but nothing too severe. Do I confront her, or let it play out in court. Cheating won’t ease your pain. The biggest hurdle I am facing is whether I want to start a family with her or not after Eventually, my wife sent a text to me saying "AP is one of my very best friends, I was really hurting, and we were separated at the time (no we weren't)" Basically admitting to the cheating. I know the baby isnt mine. I'm a musician and something about that caused my ex-wife to cheat on me. OOP wants to end the marriage but doesn't want to be responsible for this decision so he prefers digging out a 20-year old story (which is not "cheating" by any stretch of imagination, since they were broken up at the time). Not sure if I want to. Update. Regardless of your decision to stay in your relationship or to go, we are here to support you on your path to recovery. I want to started the process of divorce but unfortunately I don’t have any money saved up for a lawyer. I honestly feel that if this never happened, my marriage would have failed. As your respect for her continues to drop, little by little each day, your love for her will follow it down. I recently found out that my wife has been cheating on me for the last five years. An update has been added below the original post. 8 years it took the divorce proceedings to go through. Original Post: April 18, 2024. My Vile Ex Wife. I regret breaking my bow to my wife. Your wife needs to leave the house for a while, you can't think with her around and she needs to face consequences for her actions. Served divorce papers by WS on Christmas. I've been getting a few dm's and comments on my older post so I figured I'd give you guys an update. My significant other of 7 years cheated on me with her best friends fiance, so I filed for divorce. We got her to the hospital and unfortunately and tragically my wife had a miscarriage at the six-month mark. Never thought I'd be so happy to catch my ex-wife cheating. I never wanted to think this way, but once you witness cheating you become so hyper-aware of every single interaction; not only the dynamic with your spouse; but with everyone around you. But that doesn't matter to me. Separated oct 2019 in our early 30s. My (31M) cheating wife (33F) asked if we can spend her birthday together. I loved my wife. Me and my wife has been married for 3 years. Therapy, you're going to need it, this is a massive blow. I was the same as her at the start. *We moved all around the country together, climbed career ladders together, supported each other through depression (her), cancer (me), and family and pet loss. If I caught my wife cheating with another guy and decide to proceed with a divorce with proof of cheating, then I should not have to spilt my assets 50-50 with her. Veridian800. I was hoping she was come to some realty that she was in the wrong. They're the best part of my life. ADMIN. [Advice] my wife cheated and got pregnant. Infidelity. I know that, even now. I (40M) just found out my wife (41F) has been cheating on me for five years. It sound like he fell into an incel group of bashing women. I'm not even sure if this qualifies as revenge, I think it does but I'll let the public be the judge. I had a similar experience with my wife. My wife went to bed that night and did not come out of that room for the next three days. Final Update: Wife Cheated After 13 Years Together. Two kids. Eventually she confessed and we decided to separate and divorce. One thing: telling his wife will cause him to dump your wife (cheating men almost always stick with the wife), which will cause her to double down on saving your marriage, a hassle you don't want. Wife (44 F) cheated, I (45 M) filed for divorce when I found out and she tried to kill herself on New Years Eve. I have absolutely no tolerance for it and I don't believe in forcing myself to suffer needlessly for shit that wasn't my fault to begin with. Your wife has been cheating on your for 3 years according to you. At some point consult a divorce attorney, look at your option. You can control 50% of a divorce. Deny her the moral high ground. This is probably the last update from me, as when I first came to reddit this was just a silly fight between me and my wife. It's a choice. It's better to just cut off toxic people than to have any attach towards them. Advice. She wouldn't sign the papers and is in a relationship I am 27 and my wife is 26. Soon enough their relationship will start to fill up with suspicion and unhappiness will follow. My son is my favorite person in the world. Wife and I have been with one another for 12 years. Hey Reddit - Throwaway account (for obvious reasons) Also, sorry for the length, a ton on my mind right now. She took over $10k in 7 months for vacation etc, never put a penny into joint accounts when she did have a job. 10. new relationship doesn’t work out/doesn’t want a relationship with a cheater. She said it was physical only, seemed to deeply regret it, and wanted to save our marriage. Still in the legal process. Dating for 3 years prior to marriage. NeedSupport. In January my wife went on a weekend trip with some girlfriends of hers. their ex moves/the divorce is about to be finalized and they want to “try again”. Her family was my family. If she is refusing to sign anything then get your proof again the affair, talk to your lawyer about doing a fault divorce and have her officially served by a process server at her place of employment. My wife and I have a 5 year old boy. I regret breaking a personal vow to never cheat on someone (this was my first and only). At first she thought she was bi, then just lonely, now gay. My ex-husband did this same crap to me and our child. In November 2017 discovered wife had a several month long affair with our neighbor earlier that year. Wife served me divorce papers a few weeks ago. Wife had a 2 year affair and one night stand. Vent/Rant/FML. She told me we were trying to work things out but she was telling another she loved him and wanted to have his baby. Things had spiraled out of control so I said that I was done swapping partners, unfortunately she didn't agree Welcome to Surviving Infidelity. et ny pl lo xf zi st ah bm gm